Return of Kings, that burning internet dumpster fire of pickup artistry and Trumpian bigotry, has decided to go all grade-school on us this week, posting an essay that is basically an adult, alt-right version of the classic “what I did on my summer vacation” essay assignment.
Category: PUA
Ah, the good old days, when me were men and women were c**ts!
You know, just regular c**ts, not the pampered, stuck-up, fat c**ts of today.
Cut a little slack for the dude who calls himself Tuthmosis Sonofra, one of the more repellant of the stable of “writers” who regularly contributes to the internet garbage fire that is Return of Kings. Why? Well, metaphors are hard. Especially when you try to draw them out to the length of a blog post.
Watching self-proclaimed pickup artists and Men Going Their Own Way going at each other is vaguely reminiscent of watching Trotskyist sects fight it out over the precise lessons that true revolutionaries should draw from the Russian Revolution.
Woman-hating internet garbage fire Return of Kings is celebrating the start of the Olympics by lamenting the fact that most of the athletes the US is sending to the games are women.
We’ve met “Ian Ironwood” before, the prolific red pill mememaker with a fondness for retro images and retrograde sexual politics.
Today, I’ve assemble what you might call a little meme essay made up of images he’s posted. Prepare yourself in advance for a BIG IRONIC SURPRISE TWIST ENDING!
Oh dear, I’ve kind of spoiled the surprise. Oops.
The first rule of Nazi Fight Club, apparently, is that you do talk about Nazi Fight Club. Yesterday, internet Nazi rag The Daily Stormer announced plans to launch local chapters of an “IRL Troll Army” that will enable righteous white dudes “to prepare for the coming race war.”
So everyone’s favorite woman-hating garbage site Return of Kings has a new post up detailing “4 Signs That Modern Women Have Become Petulant Children.”
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Alleged martial artist Jean-Batave Poqueliche, a regular Return of Kings contributor, declares in his bio on the site that he spends his life “travel[ing] the world looking for new fighting techniques and new beautiful women.”
The quarterly WHTM Pledge Drive continues! If you appreciate this blog, and can afford it, please click the “donate” button below. Thanks!
Pity poor “Kyle Trouble,” the pickup artist. The globetrotting woman-pesterer was enjoying the second day of a trip to Istanbul yesterday when bombs went off at the airport, killing more than 40 people.