alt-lite alt-right conspiracy theory infowars paranoia proud boys the federalist trump

The “Justice for J6” protest was a dud, and right-wingers are blaming everyone but themselves

For a time, it looked like the Justice for J6 rally, in honor of those arrested in the battle on Capitol Hill on January 6th,was shaping up to be another violent insurrectionary riot. But on the day of the planned demonstration, this past Saturday, only a couple of hundred protesters showed up.

misogyny no girls allowed proud boys

No Girls Allowed: Proud Boys tell would-be Proud Girls to “get the f*ck back in the kitchen”

I still don’t know what the Proud Boys have to be proud about, but I definitely understand the “Boys” part of their name, given that members of the violent nationalist gang often act like they’re five years old, stuck in the “girls are icky” stage of childhood development.

#gamergate alt-lite cerno hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever proud boys rape reddit sex workers sexual abuse sexual assault sexual exploitation

Porn star Mercedes Carrera was a Gamergate icon. Now that she’s been charged with child sexual abuse, ex-fans pretend they never knew her

Carrera and her porn director boyfriend ” Daemon Cins” have each been charged with eight counts of child sexual abuse

By David Futrelle

Porn actress Mercedes Carrera was enthusiastically embraced by the Gamergate crowd after she spoke out in favor of the journalism ethics movement misogynistic harassment campaign in its heyday back in 2014.

alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism AntiFa drama kings empathy deficit entitled babies false flag gaslighting homophobia ironic nazis irony alert lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever none dare call it conspiracy proud boys trump

Far-right Proud Boys violently assault protesters in late-night rampage; Fox News declares “Antifa attacks again — swords and vandalism”

Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes: He’s the one who drew the sword.

By David Futrelle

Last night the Proud Boys went looking for a fight. After a speech by the group’s founder Gavin McInnes at the Metropolitan Republican Club in Manhattan, members of the group — a gang of pro-Trump goons who seem to get into fights at every event they attend — were caught on video violently attacking several people who had come out to protest their event, beating and kicking them.