By David Futrelle
So today I’d like to present the first post in what I hope will become a long-running series: MGTOWs Explain Sex.
By David Futrelle
So today I’d like to present the first post in what I hope will become a long-running series: MGTOWs Explain Sex.
Fellas! Has this ever happened to you?
You’re at the grocery store, stocking up on Hot Pockets and Mountain Dew, when all of a sudden you discover a human female in the middle of the Frozen Food aisle with her shopping cart. You point out that she is blocking your access to the T.G.I.Friday’s Cream Cheese Poppers; she apologizes and moves out of your way.
Do you remember way back, oh, about ten months ago, when Breitbart tried to convince the world that alt-rightists were really just a bunch of lovable scallywags who didn’t actually believe all the horrible racist and anti-Semitic garbage they were so energetically dumping on the internet (and in the email inboxes of their assorted enemies) every day?
Mike Cernovich is a Trump-loving, conspiracy-slinging alt-right fellow traveler with a nasty habit of smearing people he doesn’t like as pedophiles.
Now he’s become the target of a small army of trolls who have managed to pull off the difficult feat of being even more terrible than he is.
One of the strange superpowers of the modern Manosphere intellectual is the ability to pontificate endlessly, and with utmost confidence, on a subject — feminism — that they know absolutely nothing about. You could even say they know less than nothing about it, in that the few things they do think they know about it are completely and utterly wrong.
So “Hamilton” has gotten pretty much unanimous praise from critics and those lucky (or rich) enough to score themselves tickets to it. Even Mike Pence, despite that thing that happened when he attended the show Friday night, declared on Fox News Sunday that “Hamilton’ is just an incredible production, incredibly talented people. It was a real joy to be there.”
They’re on to me! A post on the Men’s Rights subreddit asks the question: “Is Google Manipulating Search Output Again? I can’t believe that certain people are that prominent.”
The “certain people” in question? Me. I’m the certain people!