antifeminism crackpottery Dean Esmay drama kings dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about infighting lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy paranoia pig-biting mad playing the victim post contains jokes straw futrelle

Spittin’ Mad: Dean Esmay warns MGTOW enemy “my saliva and snot will be on [your] face.”

Seriously. Spitting is disgusting.

Oh, how the not-so mighty have fallen! Former A Voice for Menner Dean Esmay’s weird public meltdown continues. Soon, I worry, he’ll be reduced to little more than a puddle of rage and spittle.  And while that is a somewhat ungainly metaphor, I mean the part about spittle literally.

Yesterday, we looked at his bizarrely over-the-top rant against MGTOWs (Men (Supposedly) Going Their Own Way) who don’t think that married men should be considered part of the MGTOW community. Esmay, who has describes himself as a “married MGTOW,” declares that this is an “indefensible” position that “just might get you imprisoned or killed.” No, really.

#gamergate alison tieman antifeminism antifeminist women crackpottery drama evil SJWs FemRAs honey badgers MRA post contains jokes post contains sarcasm TyphonBlue

The Honey Badgers file their suit in moon court. And possibly in Alberta, too.

We Hunted the Mammoth Legal Advisor Sweetie P. Jonus, Esq.
We Hunted the Mammoth Legal Advisor Sweetie P. Jonus, Esq. is skeptical of the Honey Badgers’ legal strategy

You remember that lawsuit the GamerGate-loving, feminist-hating “Honey Badger Brigade” was apparently going to file against the Calgary Expo (for tossing them out) and The Mary Sue (for saying mean things about them, or something)? You know, the suit that they raised more than $30,000 to finance from their angry and apparently quite gullible fans? 

Well, apparently they’ve filed the suit?

I ended with a question mark because they’ve been a teensy bit vague about what exactly they’ve done. 

antifeminism entitled babies evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men post contains jokes post contains sarcasm reddit

A Redditor shares his darkest fear: “Will I be paying a White Tax in 20 years?”

Life will soon be very tough indeed for handsome, muscular white dudes, and their shirts
Life will soon be very tough indeed for handsome, muscular white dudes, and their shirts

To very loosely paraphrase Kermit the Frog, it’s not easy being white.

Here, one worried Redditor, posting in the Tumbler In Action Discussion subreddit (r/TiADiscussion) wonders what horrors will await him and others like him in the future if the dreaded SJWs get their way.

a new woman to hate a voice for men douchebaggery entitled babies imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men oppressed white men playing the victim post contains jokes post contains sarcasm white dudes comparing themselves to slaves

Like Rosa Parks, but for dudes: MRAs sue on behalf of allegedly discriminated against men in tech

ChicCEO: Excluding men from events for women by including them. Wait a second ... .
ChicCEO: Excluding men from events for women by including them. Wait a second … .

So there’s a depressing (but very much a must-read) piece over on Yahoo News at the moment chronicling how a lawsuit by Men’s Rights activists (allegedly) led to the demise of Chic CEO, a small company offering support and advice for women entrepreneurs in the male-dominated tech world.

As Yahoo Tech writer Alyssa Bereznak explains, the whole debacle started when two men decided that they needed to be part of a Chic CEO networking event. Because, clearly, men need a leg up in the tech world. 

a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression memes memesplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men post contains jokes

Women shopping for groceries secretly run the world, MRA suggests in incomprehensible memes


Apparently the Men’s Rightsers of the world think that they can defeat the forces of feminism by overwhelming them with incomprehensible memes.

I found the puzzling meme above on A Voice for Men’s Facebook page. I think it’s safe to say that it will not be winning any awards for logic.

But AVFM’s meme-makers manage to top themselves in incomprehensibility with this followup meme:

anti-Semitism crackpottery dark enlightenment hate speech literal nazis marital rape misogyny oppressed white men post contains jokes post contains sarcasm racism rape rape culture reactionary bullshit

The Daily Stormer defends its hero Donald Trump against the Elders of Zion (and the Daily Beast)

Trump waves hello to his growing army of neo-Nazi fans
Trump waves hello to his growing army of neo-Nazi fans

Andrew Agelin, grand wizard of The Daily Stormer, is given to, well, colorful headlines. Notable recent ones include

Devious Jew Vermin Abe Foxman Finally Steps Down as Anti-Defamation League Head

Jew Flood: 150,000 Ratlike Parasites to Apply for Spanish Citizenship Following New Law

Fed Jewess Janet Yellen Refusing to Share Documents with House Committee

He also has, as you might have noticed, a teensy bit of a preoccupation with Jewish people. Indeed, he’s something of an expert at working the fact (or the fantasy) of a person’s Jewishness into stories in which said person’s Jewishness is not really the story at all.

But Anglin’s attempts to inject a Jewish angle into the story of Donald Trump’s alleged rape of his then-wife Ivana deserve some sort of award. A terrible, terrible award. Here’s the headline:

#gamergate a woman is always to blame antifeminism boner rage bullying entitled babies homophobia misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed oppressed men post contains jokes post contains sarcasm reddit

GamerGaters attack study on video game losers lashing out at women … by lashing out at women

Women ruining the lives of men by invading the male space of gaming
Women ruining the lives of men by invading the male space of gaming

So the #GamerGaters are mad about a new study that suggests that some of the most dickishly misogynistic male gamers are quite literally losers. That is, men playing video games like Halo and Call of Duty online tend to lash out at women players when they’re doing their worst.

Looking at the behavior of a number of men and women over the course of 163 games of Halo 3, researchers Michael Kasumovic and Jeffrey Kuznekoff from the University of New South Wales and Miami University found that

antifeminism boner rage creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies grandiosity incoherent rage internet tough guy mansplaining men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW NAWALT oppressed white men post contains jokes post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit red pill vaginas women are children women in tech women's jobs aren't real

MGTOW channels Molly Bloom in stream-of-consciousness rant against “worthless abusive neglected finger pointing self made drama whores”

Typical Woman (Artist's Conception)
Typical Woman (Artist’s Conception)

The final chapter of James Joyce’s Ulysses, as all former English majors will tell you, consists of what has become known as Molly Bloom’s soliloquy, a punctuation-deprived 24,000-word stream-of-consciousness rush of words reflecting the thoughts of Mrs. Bloom as she lies in bed next to her husband Leopold Bloom.

The soliloquy is famous as much for its smuttiness as for its style, ending with a much-quoted passage in which Mrs. Bloom basically invents the notion of Yes Means Yes:

off topic post contains jokes

Starting Monday, Google will be replacing Street View with Deep Dream View

The houses have eyes.
The houses have eyes.

Hoping to capitalize on the popularity of its Deep Dream neural network software, Google has announced that starting on Monday it will fold Google Street View into the Deep Dream project. “All images now up on Google Street View will now be processed using Deep Dream,” Google spokeswoman Florilla Panganaban explained. “Deep Dream Street View will allow users to see how many Slugdogs they may encounter in any neighborhood they plan to visit.”

Here are some examples of what to expect when Google makes the big change. 

a woman is always to blame anti-Semitism antifeminism conspiracy theory dan perrins drama kings dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men post contains jokes post contains sarcasm straw feminists

New Men’s Rights conspiracy theory replaces the Illuminati with Teen Vogue

The hand that holds the golf club controls the world?
The hand that holds the golf club controls the world?

Most conspiracy theorists are surprisingly uncreative in their choice of villains, blaming all the ills in the world on one or more alleged evildoers in a fairly short list: the Jews, the government, the Illuminati, space aliens, and a handful of other familiar suspects.

One Men’s Rights activist wants to add a few more names to the list: the women’s magazines Glamour, Allure, Self, Vogue, and, most terrifyingly, Teen Vogue.