antifeminism misogyny poll PUA red pill return of kings transphobia

POLL: Which of these things from Return of Kings’ front page is the absolute worst?

Normal human reaction to Return of Kings

It’s poll time!

MGTOW misogyny poll reddit

POLL: “It only gets worse,” and other totally inspiring MGTOW slogans

MGTOWs only wish they were this cool
MGTOWs only wish they were this cool

So over in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, some of the regulars are trying to come up with pithy, clever new slogans that will help them to “help our brothers wake up” to the reality of how women are a bunch of icky shrews.

aliens flat earth gravity is a lie least convincing video poll

Dubious Alien or Third Rock Gravity Fraud? Pick the least convincing YouTube video!

Wait, what?
Wait, what?

This is a bit off-topic, but I’m thinking this blog could use more off-topic stuff these days.

Here are two (short) videos I rounded up from YouTube. I want you to tell me which is the least convincing.