biden misogyny politics the wayward press tucker carlson

Is desk-sitting, binder-reading, jacket-wearing “disco skank” Jill Biden our real secret president?

Extremely elderly readers of this blog may remember when former first lady Edith Wilson secretly played the role of president while her husband Woodrow lay abed, recovering from a stroke.

biden keep telling yourself that politics trump

America’s image overseas improves dramatically with Trump out of the White House. Right-wingers think this is a bad thing.

Biden at the G7. With Trump out of the picture, Boris Johnson plays the role of the buffoon.

Given that most of the world hates Dona;d Trump nearly as much as I do, it’s not surprising that America’s standing in the world has increased greatly now that he’s out of the White House.

/pol/ #gamergate 4chan alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism cool story bro cringe cuck entitled babies homophobia irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny money down the toilet narcissism none dare call it conspiracy nonpology politics racism rape culture rape jokes sargon of akkad twitter

Did Carl of Swindon — aka Sargon of Akkad — just destroy an entire political party? An analysis, with memes

Fake news — or all too real?

By David Futrelle

The results are in for the European elections, and as a confused American I have no idea what they mean, for the UK or Europe as a whole. (I’ll leave the explanations to people who understand this better than me.)

#gamergate alt-lite alt-right chad thundercock doubling down douchebaggery Dunning–Kruger effect elliot rodger entitled babies gab harassment incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles politics rape culture rape jokes sargon of akkad twitter YouTube

YouTuber-turned-UKIP-candidate Carl “Sargon of Akkad” Benjamin hits the campaign trail, and it’s going alt-great

I don’t know why I gave him two heads. Sorry.

By David Futrelle

As you may have heard, YouTube shitlord Carl Benjamin — known as Sargon of Akkad, though he’s actually from Swindon — recently made his debut as a candidate for the European Parliament running on the racist UK Independence Party (UKIP) ticket. And it went alt-great, by which I mean the opposite of great.

doggoes funny incels MGTOW misogyny off topic politics the c-word trump

Everything I know about Brexit I learned from Janey Godley, including the stuff about Big Theresa’s flute

Janey Godley in happier times

By David Futrelle

Some days I just can’t stand the thought of immersing myself in raw hate long enough to produce a post. Today was one of those days, so instead of the usual stuff I thought I’d offer you all a sort of crash course in Brexit, the ongoing political disaster that’s sort of the UK’s equivalent to us Americans (or at least a minority of us) voting Trump into office.

$MONEY$ a voice for men armageddon crackpottery evil women grandiosity misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam pig ignorance playing the victim politics racism reactionary bullshit single mothers your time will come

The Coming Single Mom Crime Apocalypse: Not Really a Thing


Manosphere misogynists love fantasizing about a coming apocalypse, invariably caused by the bad behavior of feminists and/or women in general, and invariably resulting in feminists and/or women in general lost and forlorn and realizing their mistakes, returning to men begging for help and asking for forgiveness. Like Doomsday Preppers waiting for the planet to suddenly shift on its axis due to the sudden reversal of the magnetic poles, most of the apocalyptic misogynists don’t seem to have the faintest idea of what they’re talking about.

antifeminism hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA oppressed white men playing the victim politics racism sluts

Romney: Obama bribed young women to vote for him with free contraceptives

Well, SOME women supported Romney

We’ve heard a lot in recent days from assorted manosphere dudes about how the “slut vote” – and the endless hunger of our nation’s “sluts” for free contraception – helped to bring about a humiliating end to Romney’s presidential hopes. The sluts went for Obama, we heard, because he promised them (and women in general) what they supposedly want most: “free stuff without ever having to work.”

Minus the word “slut,” this was the basic argument we’ve heard over the past week from a lot of right-wingers as well, including such big names as Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly, who’ve been loudly complaining that Obama won over women – and minorities – by promising to give them “stuff.”

Well, today, a new voice joined this chorus: Mitt Romney himself. In a conference call today with some of his big donors – no doubt a fairly dispirited bunch – Romney offered this explanation for his defeat:

The Obama campaign was following the old playbook of giving a lot of stuff to groups that they hoped they could get to vote for them and be motivated to go out to the polls, specifically the African American community, the Hispanic community and young people. … In each case they were very generous in what they gave to those groups.

Never mind, as the Los Angeles Times points out, that Romney lost in some key states that have a minimal minority population, or that Romney’s promised tax cuts could be considered gigantic gifts to the rich.

While Romney talked less about gender than he did about race and enthnicity, he did single out one group that he said Obama had been especially generous to:  young women. And you all know the easiest way to bribe a young female voter. As Romney put it:

Free contraceptives were very big with young, college-aged women.

Apparently the government has been shipping out birth control pills along with those Obama Phones.

advocacy of violence evo psych arglebargle grandiosity hate heartiste it's science! men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men paranoia patriarchy politics racism reactionary bullshit

“As men, Force is the greatest weapon we have … We must use it,” says racist manosphere asshat.

More thoughts on the election from the Manosphere. These are from the comments section of Chateau Heartiste, in response to that little manifesto from Mark Minter we talked about the other day, and which Minter also posted at the Chateau.

Here John Salt suggests that “force” works better than voting.  And, oh yeah, he’s also as racist as Hitler.

Here Sidewinder offers some “optimism” for the future:

You’ll notice that no one there voices opposition to any of these sentiments.

antifeminism atlas shrugged evil women grandiosity melodrama men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men politics PUA reactionary bullshit

Is Obama’s re-election the first step towards a dystopian matriarchy in which men are obsolete?

A glimpse of our purple-lipped dystopian future?

Manosphere dudes are having a little trouble dealing with Obama’s re-election – especially with the fact that women and minorities were behind it. On The Rational Male, the regulars are debating the merits of a post-election manifesto from a fellow named Mark Minter, originally posted as a comment on Roosh’s Return of Kings blog.

Minter, who is basically right about the demographic shift behind Obama’s victory but wrong about everything else, lays out what he sees as the evil forces arrayed against the dudes of America – the white ones in particular — and what he sees as a solution. Naturally, in classic manosphere style, he gets a bit melodramatic about it all.

(In the excerpts that follow, I’m snipping out the demographic details, which everyone here already  knows about.)

Women are winning. Women are going to win and impose the changes on society that they wish and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

The reason Obama won this election and why the Republicans were not able to gain any ground in the legislature was women. Pure and Simply. This election was about women. And the men lost.

$MONEY$ antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim politics woman's suffrage

What Men are Saying About Women: “Tunnel Envisioned Females” Re-elect “Feminist Wimp,” Plan to Take More of Men’s Money

Men! Ladies will totally steal your watch — with their votes!

Christian J. — the man behind the blog “What Men are Saying About Women plus a plethora of Issues facing Both Sexes and Society at Large” and the inventor of the MRA two-dot ellipsis – is back! And he’s none too happy about the results of the US election. Because FEMALES.

Here is his highly cogent analysis of Obama’s victory, from a post titled The Bitch “Gimme” Vote Reinstalls Feminist Wimp Back into Office.

The Bitch vote for Obama was always guaranteed as women are only ever interested in handout and what governments can do for them. This is unfortunately as sad fact of life. Women have always voted for Marxists/Socialist/Liberals as they have always promosed them more and more benefits at the expense of all men. Men just end up paying the bills as usual. Doesn’t that suck!

One has to wonder whether women actually give a damn about anything else besides themselves. Voting for someone who may at least do something about the unprecedented US debt and holding back this Marxist neurotic is apparently not one of them. …

[T]his liar in chief will mouth promises, lie about anything and still get re-elected by a bunch or hopeless and tunnel envisioned females who only consideration is how much money they will get out of it all. This is and has been their ulterior motive. Women and money as synonymous like peas in a pod. Their thinking is always restricted to today and screw the future because they will just get more money then. So it’s not  problem.

Meanwhile, suckers like you and me get screwed with ever increasing taxes while our standard of living hits the floor. Charming.

If only the vote were restricted to clear-headed men like Christian!

Damn those “tunnel envisioned females” and their obsession with “handout!”

In a followup post, Christian warns men not to be suckered by women pretending that they all aren’t evil harpies:

Just in case you are still one of those drones who believe that women are just harmless individuals who constantly suffer from something or another. They are helping themselves in the process while you take your time to wake up to the bleeding obvious.

Men! Wake up and smell the women!