As this extended Pledge Drive draws to a close, I’d like to offer my profound thanks to all of you who donated, including several kind souls who really went above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you so much!
As this extended Pledge Drive draws to a close, I’d like to offer my profound thanks to all of you who donated, including several kind souls who really went above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you so much!
I’ll be bringing this extended Pledge Drive to a close in a couple of days, but I wanted to let you know how things are going. Or not going, because we’re still a long way off from my goal. To those who have donated, some quite generously, I want to express my profound thanks. But I need more of you to donate if we’re going to get to the finish line.
So if you haven’t donated yet, please consider clicking the button below.
You can also give by Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
Thanks again to everyone who has contributed to the blog–by donating, sending along tips, providing technical help, spreading the word.
I want to thank everyone who’s donated so far during this pledge drive–some quite generously. But we’re still less than halfway to the goal, so if you haven’t already donated and you’re a fan of this blog, I hope you can go ahead and send a few bucks (or a lot of bucks) my way. Click below to make a one-time donation (or sign up for a monthly subscription).
You can also donate to me on Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
Thanks again; I can’t stress how much your support means to me.
It’s that time again–time to raise the money needed to keep this site running.
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know what a unique beast it is. For the past 13 years, I’ve been relentlessly covering the ongoing backlash against women’s rights; now, I also cover the even scarier attacks on trans rights. I spend my time slogging through the worst that the bigots have to offer, so you don’t have to. And I try to do it with an intact sense of humor.
I bring you this coverage without ads or paywalls, or secret billionaire backers. I rely entirely on donations from you, the readers. Many of you donate on a monthly basis, and I appreciate it enormously. But I get the bulk of my operating budget through these pledge drives; without them, I can’t keep the blog going.
So please click on the button below to make a donation, big o small; you don’t have to have a Paypal account to use it.
You can also give by Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
I want to thank all of you who support this blog in whatever way you can. It means the world to me.
PS: If you’d like to help this blog in a non-financial way, please help to spread the word about this pledge drive on social media; it can really make a difference.
The (extended) pledge drive is over, and I want to begin by thanking everyone who donated, whether it was a lot of bucks or just a few. This pledge drive started off very unpromisingly, but you all turned it around in a big way and brought us close to our goal.
That said, we didn’t make it all the way. We came a couple of thousand dollars short of what I need to keep the blog on an even keel.
The pledge drive got off to a worrisome start, but thanks to you, things have once again turned around in a big way. Thanks so much to everyone who has donated so far!
But we’re still a few thousand dollars short of what I need to keep the blog running. This is a one-man, two-cat operation, and I depend on these pledge drives to pay the bills. So if you haven’t donated yet, please click the button below and give what you can.
You can also give by Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
My last post on the pledge drive inspired many of you to donate, some quite generously, and I’m very grateful for it. But, seven days into what was going to be a ten-day Pledge Drive, I have raised less than half of what I need to keep this blog going.
So if you care about this blog, and you haven’t donated already, please go ahead and click the button below and give what you can. The future of the blog is literally at stake, and even a small amount will make a big difference.
You can also donate to me on Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
I need your help. Donations are coming in very slowly, and unless that turns around in a big way, there is no possibility I can raise enough money to keep writing this blog. That’s not a threat; it’s a simple statement of fact.
If you care about this blog at all, I need you to donate at least a few bucks (or a lot of bucks if you can swing it) to make sure We Hunted the Mammoth can make it until the next pledge drive.
You can also donate to me on Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
Last October, my Fall Pledge Drive was going very badly, and the very future of this blog was at risk. But you folks rallied in a big way and, within a week, had raised enough money to keep the blog going. You guys were amazing, and I need you to be amazing again.
This blog is advertising-free, and I don’t have paid subscriptions; I depend entirely on donations from readers like you to keep going. I need your support.
As loyal readers, you know that this blog is unique. I try to not only report on the virulent backlash against women and trans people but to cope with it with a certain sense of humor.
I do these pledge drives just four times a year (last year, there were only three), and they provide most of the money I need to keep the blog going. (Monthly subscriptions provide the rest.)
If you’re a regular or even irregular reader of this blog, please donate what you can–either as a lump sum or as part of a monthly subscription plan. (Even a few dollars a month can make a big difference, and donating monthly helps stabilize the blog’s finances.) The link below takes you to Paypal, but you don’t need a Paypal account to donate.
You can also donate to me on Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your support makes this blog possible, and I appreciate it more than you can know.
PS: If you want to help the blog in a way other than financially, please pass along my fundraising appeal to friends or on social media. This really makes a big difference in how many people I can reach. Thanks again!
The pledge drive came to a close earlier this week, and I want to offer the hugest thanks to those who turned it from an apparent impending failure to a great success! Thank you to those who donated, some quite generously. And thank you to those who helped spread the message. It’s not overstating things to say that you’ve saved the blog
As I mentioned before, I am going to be taking some steps to get the finances of this blog on a more stable footing so we won’t have another emergency like this one. I’ll fill you in on that in another post soon.
Though the pledge drive is over, I’m still happy to get donations if you haven’t gotten around to it yet — just click below. And if you want some ideas on non-financial ways to help this blog, take a look here.
You can also boop me some cash via Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
Thanks again,
Follow me on Mastodon.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
We Hunted the Mammoth relies on support from you, its readers, to survive. So please donate here if you can, or at David-Futrelle-1 on Venmo.