attention seeking crackpottery dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies magic semen men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises PUA racism rape culture rape is good actually rape jokes shit that never happened the fucking titanic

Malebag: “Women s–k d–k because d–k built and maintained all upon the earth.”

Speedy delivery!

It’s PLEDGE DRIVE again! WHTM is now ad free and entirely dependent on folks like you for its continued existence. If you can afford it, please DONATE HERE NOW! Thanks!

By David Futrelle

With another month-long-week coming to a close, I thought I would take a few moments to share with you some of the feedback I get from, well, let’s just say these guys aren’t exactly fans.

creepy cringe evil sex-having women evil sexy ladies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy penises self-own sex workers slut shaming trump vaginas

The 12 worst MAGA Twitter reactions to Stormy Daniels’ claim that Donald Trump has a weird, small, mushroom-looking dick

Mario Kart’s Toad is not having a great day

By David Futrelle

Today was a truly dark day for those who would have preferred to go through life not ever knowing what Donald Trump’s dick looks like (alleged). In excerpts from Stormy Danies’ forthcoming memoir, the porn-actress-turned-producer described her alleged sexual encounter with our gross president in enough detail to ruin all of our breakfasts.

entitled babies incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises self-hatred

Incels fear dystopian future in which women can tell they have tiny dicks at a distance.

Some tiny pricks are ADORABLE

By David Futrelle

You may worry about your country descending into chaos, or turning into a fascist hellhole, or even a bit of both. But when incels imagine the future they have much more specific concerns. Oddly specific, you might say.

alpha males evo psych fairy tales men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA penises PUA

Red Pillers: Stop looking to gorillas for dating advice. Embrace the banana slug instead

The Anglerfish: If you like Pina Coladas, and fusing with a much larger female and basically turning into a dangly appendage that provides her with sperm

By David Futrelle

Pickup artists and Men’s Rights Activists and other reactionary misogynists love to claim that their retrograde ideas about human “mating strategy” have been proven 100% awesome and correct by SCIENCE. By SCIENCE, of course, they generally mean a simplified version of evolutionary psychology based on “just so stories” about our human ancestors and assorted studies of animals that supposedly prove the eternal truth that alphas rule and betas drool.

double standard men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises reddit

Why is it worse for women to cheat than for men? “Because Penis,” Redditor explains

Cloudy with a chance of … you don’t want to know

By David Futrelle

From the Unpopular Opinions subreddit, a rather ingenious explanation as to why it’s much, much worse for men (well, cis men) to cheat on (cis) women than it is for women to cheat on men:

alpha asshole cock carousel alpha males chad thundercock entitled babies evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW of the Day misogyny penis-shaped things penises reddit slut shaming

Penises and Pepsi bottles: MGTOWs continue to have trouble with metaphors

Wait … 25% more of what, exactly?

Today is the start of the Summer 2017 WHTM pledge drive. Donate! Donate Donate Donate! Thanks! 

By David Futrelle

So the fellows over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit are discussing just how much they TOTALLY REFUSE to have sex with women older than 25 — not to worry, fellas, women over 25 don’t want to have sex with you either — and one fellow resorts to an interesting if perhaps imperfect metaphor in order to explain why he at least hypothetically prefers fresh young 18-year-olds to jaded 25-year-old “cock carousel” riders.

alt-right antifeminism armageddon creepy cuck cuckolding irony alert men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises

Angry dudes respond to my NYmag piece on the convergence of MGTOWs and the alt-right

MGTOWs: Building civilization by getting mad on the internet

It didn’t take MGTOWs long to find my New York magazine piece on the convergence of MGTOWs and the alt-right. A number of these lovely fellows decided to challenge my evil FAKE NEWS SLANDER by posting long comments over on that pretty much confirmed what a bunch of hateful, self-pitying and very, very angry dudes they are.

aggrieved entitlement antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises

Mr. Smallestpenisever the MGTOW demands: SHOW ME THE EFFORT CHICKENS!

An Effort Chicken hard at work
An Effort Chicken hard at work

There are many things I’m thankful for, on this day after Thanksgiving, one of them being those misogynistic dinglebats who make my job easy by coming to this blog and dropping huge textwalls of WTF-ery in the comments here.

antifeminism entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises reddit sexy robot ladies

MGTOWs are already worrying that sexy lady sexbots will tear off their penises

Be careful, fellas! Those lady robots can turn on you in a second!
Be careful, fellas! Those lady robots can turn on you in a second!

Men Going Their Own Way love fantasizing about what they see as the impending sexual singularity — that is, when sexbots become so sophisticated that they can replace real human ladies in the sexing department, thus rendering real human ladies pretty much obsolete, ha ha sucks to be you, ladies!

all about the menz alt-right men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men oppressed white men penises racism return of kings

Porn’s huge dingles are a form of “psychological warfare” against men, Return of Kings insists

The hot dog is a lie!
The hot dog is a lie!

Brace yourself, fellas, because Return of Kings is about to blast you with THE TRUTH about those gigantic peens you find everywhere in porn — the TRUTH being that porn penises tend to be larger than the average penis in the real world.