If you’ve been looking for a website that will destroy your last shred of hope for humanity, might I suggest the incel forum BasedHaven? While not as appallingly popular as sites like Incels.is and Looksmax.org, the small site makes up for this with the sheer terribleness of its discussions.
So a regular commenter on Incels.is somehow ran across a study that found “pedophilic and … hebephilic sexual offenders [to be] significantly shorter than” men who aren’t sexually attracted to underage girls.
The incel’s takeaway from all this: It’s women’s fault that pedophiles exist in the first place because they won’t have sex with short men (allegedly).
Yesterday morning the actress/scientology crank Kirstie Alley must have been feeling especially judgy so she fired up her Twitter and tweeted out a series of very strange tweets attacking what she sees as a perversely permissive society.
Was watching TV …we’ve gone too far in my opinion. I feel sorry for our children. Their exposure to everything perverse on every kind of screen is mind boggling. And even more tragic, it’s being hyped as “normal”.
I want to know what on earth she was watching at 6:44 AM Eastern that was “perverse” enough to rouse her to tweet. Are the Teletubbies reenacting scenes from Salo? Has the Farm Report gone x-rated?
No other generation has had such easy access to the underbelly of humanity. SO many screens & chronic bombardment of images and concepts. Our current society would have been praising Caligula. Protect your children.
Gotta give her points for the Caligula reference; she’s gone old school.
I’m kinda on a roll but my heart’s heavy with the shit that’s being crammed down our kid’s throats. A “moral code” is not old fashioned. Morals are simply guidelines for better survival. Explicit sexual “education” and “select” ideals being forced on kids is NOT better survival.
I don’t think I want Scientologists to be teaching kids about morality and ethics or anything, really.
Or trying to stop schools from teaching sex ed.
People are becoming so “open minded” that down the road they will support pediphilia as people “just loving children” You think I’m kidding. I’m not. It’s the direction this insanity is headed. You can “ok boomer” me all you want but this is where we will veer unless we change.
I don’t think you’re kidding, Kirstie. I just think you’re a little, well, the politest way to say it is that you’re a little confused. Who out there is teaching the kind of “open-mindedness” that would lead to an acceptance of pedophilia? Is this some kind of underhanded dig at the LGBTQ+ community or drag queen story hour or whatever?
I’m guessing it is, because her Twitter timeline is full of jokesabout the pronouns trans folks use.
By their endlessly repeated jokes ye shall know them.
I also noticed a non-ironic retweet of Candace Owens, which is definitely a sign that your life has gone way off track.