a voice for men antifeminism creepy Dean Esmay douchebaggery entitled babies facepalm harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats oppressed white men paul elam post contains sarcasm rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill taking pleasure in women's pain that's not funny! vaginas YouTube

VIDEO: Go Home, Men’s Rights Movement, You’re Drunk. (Seriously, folks, watch this one.)

Is the Men’s Rights Movement a bunch of middle-aged creeps obsessed with the sexuality of women young enough to be their daughters?

Judging from this video, shot at the first A Voice for Men “family reunion,” the answer is “yes.” Also, the Men’s Rights movement is drunk.

antifeminism entitled babies evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men post contains jokes post contains sarcasm reddit

A Redditor shares his darkest fear: “Will I be paying a White Tax in 20 years?”

Life will soon be very tough indeed for handsome, muscular white dudes, and their shirts
Life will soon be very tough indeed for handsome, muscular white dudes, and their shirts

To very loosely paraphrase Kermit the Frog, it’s not easy being white.

Here, one worried Redditor, posting in the Tumbler In Action Discussion subreddit (r/TiADiscussion) wonders what horrors will await him and others like him in the future if the dreaded SJWs get their way.

a new woman to hate a voice for men douchebaggery entitled babies imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men oppressed white men playing the victim post contains jokes post contains sarcasm white dudes comparing themselves to slaves

Like Rosa Parks, but for dudes: MRAs sue on behalf of allegedly discriminated against men in tech

ChicCEO: Excluding men from events for women by including them. Wait a second ... .
ChicCEO: Excluding men from events for women by including them. Wait a second … .

So there’s a depressing (but very much a must-read) piece over on Yahoo News at the moment chronicling how a lawsuit by Men’s Rights activists (allegedly) led to the demise of Chic CEO, a small company offering support and advice for women entrepreneurs in the male-dominated tech world.

As Yahoo Tech writer Alyssa Bereznak explains, the whole debacle started when two men decided that they needed to be part of a Chic CEO networking event. Because, clearly, men need a leg up in the tech world. 

#gamergate 8chan anti-Semitism antifeminism drama kings evil SJWs infighting literal nazis misogyny oppressed white men pig-biting mad racism

Weev: Gamergate is “the biggest siren bringing people into the folds of white nationalism.”

Will seeing this picture convert you to Nazism?
Will seeing this picture convert you to Nazism?

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! Please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!

There’s trouble on the really, really far right: Infamous hacker-with-a-giant-swastika-tattoo Weev is squabbling with infamous former-Vice co-founder-who-hates-trans-people Gavin McInnes over which one of them is the real hero of the racist right.

The current contretemps apparently kicked off with this little Twitter exchange:

antifeminism creepy literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogynoir misogyny MRA oppressed white men post contains sarcasm PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill reddit

Segregation now, segregation forever, declare Red Pill Redditors

Mighty white of you (Screenshot from University of Alabama's Alpha Phi recruitment video.)
Mighty white of you (Screenshot from University of Alabama’s Alpha Phi recruitment video.)

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! If you haven’t already, please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!

Yet another reminder that Red Pillers aren’t just insufferable misogynists; they also tend to be racist as hell.

For proof, look no further than this comment from a TOP ENDORSED COMMENTER in the Red Pill subreddit with dozens of upvotes. The topic at hand: that video from a virtually all-white University of Alabama sorority that looked a bit like a recruitment video for the Stepford Wives.

Naturally, the Red Pillocks love the video, especially its unbearable whiteness of being. Don’t cut yourself on the “edgy” racism below.

FLFTW16 31 points 5 days ago ANY group that racially segregates formally or informally has my support. Our liberties are being attacked and chipped away so they must be defended at every opportunity. One fundamental liberty is the freedom of association. Be friends with whomever you wish. Whites are more comfortable around other whites. Newsflash! Blacks have black only fraternities and sororities. Hell they even have black only universities. They self-segregate because it gives them an advantage. Latinos do the same. Some of you might not know this but there are Jewish fraternities as well. There are also what one might call "One percent-er" fraternities, such as Skull and Bones. The rich and powerful prefer to associate with the rich and powerful, so they have barriers of entry that prevent poor losers from gaining access. That's their privilege and liberty and it must be defended. Sheboons and femtards want to gain access so they can do what sheboons and femtards always do: shit all over the place. The only people who protest this group are people so pathetic and malformed that no self-respecting social group would accept them. They are so disgusted by each other that they don't even want to form their own group of outcasts, they prefer to just fling poo at the pretty white girls for being too pretty and too white.

Hey Reddit, you know you can just ban blatant racism. There’s no rule saying you have to provide a platform for the world’s worst shitheads.

Oh, wait, I forgot that Reddit’s key demographic is the world’s worst shitheads. Never mind.

H/T — r/TheBluePill

artistry Dean Esmay evil SJWs MGTOW MRA oppressed white men racism whaaaaa?

Saturday Fun Time Racist Cartoon Contest feat. Pitbull and @DeanEsmay

Hey ottist, draw this!
Hey ottist, draw this!

Cartoon contest!

This morning, on Twitter, “Married MGTOW” and famous angry Tweeter @DeanEsmay asked his followers to draw him some cartoons.

So far, no one has responded to his queries, so I thought I would give him a little signal boost:

anti-Semitism literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh

Hitler-loving dudes named Andrew agree: Roosh V is a-OK! (Even though he’s not white.)

Hitler: Roosh V's biggest fan?
Hitler: Roosh V’s biggest fan?

So our dear friend Roosh V is getting support in some unexpected places. And by “unexpected” I mean “completely expected, what, are you kidding?”

Consider this little exchange last night on the Twitter:

#gamergate davis aurini drama kings evil SJWs grandiosity gross incompetence internecine warfare jordan owen men who really shouldn't be making movies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men PUA sarkeesian! schadenfreude

Oh my Lorem! The Sarkeesian Effect premiere was an even more glorious fiasco than we could have possibly imagined

This popcorn is delicious indeed.
This popcorn is delicious indeed.

Last night was the grand premiere of The Sarkeesian Effect (Team Jordan Owen Edition), and the response from critics and audience members alike has been overwhelming!

That video of crickets has gotten more than 3,344,825 views on Youtube. That’s 371,647 times the number of people who apparently showed up at the Sarkeesian Effect premiere/#GamerGate Meetup at the Landmark Midtown Art Cinema in Atlanta last night.

anti-Semitism crackpottery dark enlightenment hate speech literal nazis marital rape misogyny oppressed white men post contains jokes post contains sarcasm racism rape rape culture reactionary bullshit

The Daily Stormer defends its hero Donald Trump against the Elders of Zion (and the Daily Beast)

Trump waves hello to his growing army of neo-Nazi fans
Trump waves hello to his growing army of neo-Nazi fans

Andrew Agelin, grand wizard of The Daily Stormer, is given to, well, colorful headlines. Notable recent ones include

Devious Jew Vermin Abe Foxman Finally Steps Down as Anti-Defamation League Head

Jew Flood: 150,000 Ratlike Parasites to Apply for Spanish Citizenship Following New Law

Fed Jewess Janet Yellen Refusing to Share Documents with House Committee

He also has, as you might have noticed, a teensy bit of a preoccupation with Jewish people. Indeed, he’s something of an expert at working the fact (or the fantasy) of a person’s Jewishness into stories in which said person’s Jewishness is not really the story at all.

But Anglin’s attempts to inject a Jewish angle into the story of Donald Trump’s alleged rape of his then-wife Ivana deserve some sort of award. A terrible, terrible award. Here’s the headline:

#gamergate a voice for men antifeminism crackpottery creepy Dean Esmay dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about empathy deficit entitled babies harassment hate misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism straw feminists twitter

Newly free from A Voice for Men, Dean Esmay continues on being a douchebag

Dean Esmay's Opinions: Still Terrible
Dean Esmay’s Opinions: Still Terrible

When the lovely Dean Esmay jumped (or was pushed) off the good ship A Voice for Men last week, we were told that he intended to “take his activism in a different direction.”

So far that “new direction” looks suspiciously like the “old direction.” While Esmay has reduced the frequency of his intemperate, accusatory, free-associational Tweets from a flood to a trickle, he hasn’t stopped Tweeting — apparently his primary form of “Activism” for now — and his Tweets are as intemperate, accusatory, and free-associational as ever.