capybaras open thread Uncategorized

Capybara Pool Party Open Thread

Some commenters were asking for an open thread, so here you go! No trolls.

off topic open thread

Chill the fuck out with these oceans

By David Futrelle

No manosphere today. Today only oceans.

announcements off topic open thread

I’m still here, just taking a break

Hey, everyone. I’m still here. I’m just taking a break. Sometimes I need to step back and clear my head of the usual manosphere nonsense for a few days. But I’ll be back soon.

mass shooting open thread white supremacy

UPDATED: 2nd mass shooting in Dayton leaves 9 dead. Open Thread: El Paso mass shooting by white supremacist, 20 dead

UPDATE: Now there has been a second mass shooting in less than 24 hours, In Dayton Ohio, leaving nine dead. Shooter was wearing body armor.

Another mass shooter, this time in and around a Walmart in El Paso, Texas. Reliable information is hard to come by at this early stage but we know that the shooting suspect is in custody and that there have been 20 fatalities.

off topic open thread

These vomiting, pooping “Sparkly Critters” are the only children’s toys that understand the true horror of the world today

By David Futrelle

Browsing Twitter this morning, I came across this video, which at first I thought was just a joke.

open thread pandas trump

Trump of July: Open Thread

By David Futrelle

Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

doggoes kitties open thread

Open thread for personal stuff, like if there’s a cat always sitting on you

BFFs, or cat tyranny in action?

By request, a long overdue open thread for personal stuff! No trolls.

no trolls allowed none dare call it conspiracy open thread pandas trump

It also does not exonerate him: Mueller Sunday Open Thread (with bonus PANDAS)

Trump violating the emoluments clause by promoting his membership club while pretending to work

By David Futrelle

Weird how Mueller’s conclusion that his report “does not exonerate” Trump has been taken to mean — by the White House, by mainstream media hacks, by right-wing propagandists and even by a certain segment of the left — that his report totally exonerates Trump and that the whole investigation (which resulted in 37 indictments, 7 guilty pleas and 4 people going to prison) was a waste of time.

4chan 8chan alt-lite alt-right chris cantwell hypocrisy infowars irony alert Islamophobia open thread playing the victim racism TROOOOLLLL? twitter white genocide

Christchurch mosque shootings: The Aftermath (Twitter roundup/open thread)

Flowers punned to the gate of one of the mosques targeted in yesterday’s shooting

By David Futrelle

From Twitter, some thoughts about the horrific tragedy yesterday in Christchurch — and just who is responsible for creating the toxic environment in which this sort of murderous right-wing Islamophobic extremism thrives.

/pol/ 4chan alt-right Islamophobia open thread racism terrorism

Christchurch mosque shootings, 49 dead; one shooter livestreamed his attack: Open thread

By David Futrelle

At least two shooters– apparently working with others — have gunned down multiple victims at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, leaving 49 dead.