open thread

Election countdown: Open thread

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It’s coming. And whatever happens, it’s going to be a holy mess.

open thread

The Death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Open Thread

Feeling terribly sad and angry at this tremendous loss for our country. Say goodbye to (safe) abortions, say goodbye, most likely, to the ACA. And vote in November.

open thread racism Uncategorized

The Killing of George Floyd: Open Thread

A thread to discuss the police killing of George Floyd and the protests that have arisen in the wake of his death. No trolls.

coronavirus homophobia misogyny open thread transphobia twitter

OH NO A SNAKE TORNADO: Twitter takes 5/2/20

I thought I’d start up again with my little Twitter roundups. Consider these to be open threads.

off topic open thread

David Gets a Root Canal Open Thread

I feel like this cat looks

Sorry about the lack of a post yesterday; some dude was doing unspeakable things to one of my teeth, although to be fair the tooth deserved it. The tooth is recovering, as is the rest of me.

coronavirus off topic open thread

Shelter in Place: Open Thread

So here in Illinois, the shelter-in-place order kicked in yesterday, and I’m sheltering the fuck in place. How are you all doing in The Time of Social Distancing? Are you officially or unofficially on lockdown? What are you doing to keep anxieties at bay?

coronavirus open thread

Social Distancing Open Thread

Get out the board games

Hope you’re all safe; hope you’re all washing your hands; hope you’re all hunkering down. Our federal government (here in the US at least) has failed in pretty much every way it’s possible to fail and to a large extent we have to rely on our state and local governments — and each other.

open thread

Coronavirus Crash Open Thread

The official number of Americans sick with coronavirus doubled over the weekend; markets are plunging. There’s a lot to talk about, so here’s a new open thread.

open thread

Super Tuesday open thread

Joe Biden: Does anyone really think this weirdo dingus can beat Trump

By David Futrelle

Big day. Big big day. Lots of shit going on. Discuss.

off topic open thread Uncategorized

Coronavirus Open Thread

“We’re almost all better now.”

By David Futrelle

Fuck. This is all I can think about these days. It looks like it’s going to be bad. And this is the President’s response: