Man Boobz’ first FRIDAY NIGHT OPEN THREAD DANCE PARTY is now open for business. Most threads here are pretty open, but this one will be even more so. Talk about whatever you want, link to interesting shit, link to your own blogs, go wild!
Or you can talk about this: Earlier today I was listening to the song Dusseldorf, by La Dusseldorf, one of my favorite Krautrock bands, and I started thinking about bands that write songs referencing their band name in the lyrics and/or the titles of the songs. (In the song “Dusseldorf,” the word “Dusseldorf” is repeated probably a hundred times.) Off the top of my head, I can think of a couple of other bands that have done this:
The Monkees, “Hey hey we’re the Monkees”
Public Image Limited, “Public Image.”
The Fall, “Neighborhood of Infinity,” “Crap Rap 2,” I’m sure others will come to me.
Who else has done this? (I think we should leave out rap, because rappers often mention themselves.)