cuteness kitties off topic open thread


I will be heading out to a cat shelter in about an hour. I hope to return with a kitty or two. Probably not as large as Mr. Martin’s kitty above.

UPDATE:  Success! Two tiny adorable kittens are careening around my bedroom at high velocities. It is now 4:32 AM. They have been doing this off and on since I brought them home roughly ten hours ago. I have no idea where the fuck they get all their energy. From cat food? I think I might have to start eating it myself.

announcements kitties off topic open thread

I am traveling


Regular posts will resume Monday. Unless I get really inspired and magically find some time to post before then.

awesome gloating music off topic open thread penises the c-word video

Off-topic: Roxanne Shante, meet Azealia Banks

I‘m not feeling the whole “reading blogs by assholes and making a post about it” thing at the moment (because it involves more “reading blogs by assholes” than I care to at present), so let’s kick it old school and new school with (respectively) Roxanne Shante …

and Azealia Banks


cuteness evil women kitties MGTOW open thread

Batman and cats, man

Here in the Man Boobz offices we are hard at work on a new post. Well, most of us are hard at work. One of us is eating cat treats off the floor. (Found the pic here.)

In the meantime, enjoy this picture of the world’s first BMGHOW (Bat-Man Going His Own Way). Found on Tumblr via the Shevilfempire.

Consider this an open thread. (Wait, aren’t they all?)

bunnies cuteness dawgies kitties off topic open thread video

Off-topic: One Cat Roomba, Three Girl Rhumba

No misogynists today, just a cat in bunny ears riding a Roomba, and a classic song by Wire.

creepy music off topic open thread video

Creep Shaming: The Musical

Well, not really. But here on this lazy Saturday let’s set aside the Boobz for a while and watch this video for the Bush Tetras’ 1982 punk-funk classic “Too Many Creeps.”

And if that’s too dour for you, well, have some Bananarama, offering a somewhat more cheerful take on life in Manhattan. It kind of feels like summer already.

kitties off topic open thread

Breaking Off-Topic News: Kitten has Groucho Marx mustache, is adorable

A lot of repugnant shit this week. So here’s a totally adorable kitten found on Reddit. (Are kitten pics and SRS the only good things about Reddit?)


And here are five more kittens for good measure, also from Reddit:

You’re welcome!

kitties off topic open thread video

Dubstep Cat says sorry about the lack of posts

Expect a new post tomorrow. In the meantime, here’s Dubstep Cat.

evil women kitties off topic open thread

Off-topic: Blink Blink Meow

Blink Blink Meow!

Sometimes you need to take a break from adorable kitten pictures. So here are some terrifying blinking cat ladies of doom.

Oh, ok, here’s a kitten who haz a puppy, borrowed from Cute Overload’s cutest pics of 2011.

kitties open thread

Happy Lazy New Year’s Day!

Regular posts will resume tomorrow. In the meantime, enjoy this lion getting a foot massage.