dawgies off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: June 2015 Dawg Needs a Break Edition

Sometimes dogs need a break.
Sometimes dogs need a break.

Turns out we’re overdue for one of these threads too. As always, no trolls, MRAs, MHRAs, PUAs, you know who you are. Write the mods if anything gets weird.


kitties off topic open thread

Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff: Kitten in a beanbag edition

I think I need one of these.
I think I need one of these.

After that last post, I realized we were probably overdue for one of these. As always with these open threads, no trolls, no MRAs (or people who bear a striking resemblance to MRAs).


open thread

Friday night open thread awkward dance party

Now is the time on We Hunted the Mammoth when we dance
Now is the time on We Hunted the Mammoth when we dance

It’s been a long week. Have an open thread!

creepy dawgies off topic open thread

Six photos that prove the dogs are up to something, too

What happens once you leave he house
What happens as soon as you leave the house

On numerous occasions in the past, I have posted pictures and videos indicating that the cats of the world are clearly up to something nefarious. Tonight, some proof that dogs are in on it too.

off topic open thread

6 baffling black-and-white pictures to confuse you with

Before there was Uber.
Life before Uber.

For no good reason, here are a bunch of baffling black-and-white pictures I’ve collected. Feel free to offer explanations, or to talk amongst yourselves about whatever. 

kitties off topic open thread

Brain Bleach Friday: Cats up to something

Heh heh heh.
Heh heh heh.

After that last post, I’m thinking a lot of us need some brain bleach. And so here are some pictures of cats who are clearly up to something. I have no idea what.

no trolls allowed off topic open thread

Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff: May 2015 Edition

Protestors in Baltimore
Protesters in Baltimore

There is a lot going on in the world right now. Discuss it here. No trolls, MRAs, etc.

no trolls allowed off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: May 2015 Dinosaurs Are Ruining My Life Edition

Those pesky dinosaurs!
Those pesky dinosaurs!

An open thread for personal stuff, continued from here. As always: No trolls, no MRAs/PUAs/MGTOWs/dinosaurs etc, be nice. Email the mods/me if shit gets weird.

no trolls allowed open thread

Open thread for personal stuff, April 2015 Hypnokitty Edition


You will be assimilated.
You will be assimilated.

Here’s an open thread for personal stuff, continued from here. You know the drill: No trolls, no MRAs/PUAs/MGTOWs etc, be nice. Email the mods/me if shit gets weird.

no trolls allowed off topic open thread

Open thread for personal stuff, March 2015 totally real elephants edition

Totally real elephants.
Seems legit.

This month’s open thread for personal stuff is brought to you by a totally real family of elephants.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, no being jerky.