off topic open thread

90s Throwback Sunday Tanya Donnelly Open Thread

This popped up on my Spotify recommendations. I’d forgotten how much I loved this song, especially the growly bits where Tanya Donelly sings along with the guitar riff. And I’d never seen the video. (There was no YouTube in 1991, obviously; I’m not sure I even had cable.)

While I’m at it, here’s another Throwing Muses song from the same album, this time with  Kristin Hersh on lead vocals.

open thread

Super Tuesday 2: Open Thread Boogaloo

Roughly 50% of these people will be the next president of the United States
Roughly 50% of these people will be the next president of the United States

Today’s another big political day here in the US — lots of primaries, including some that look like they’ll be pretty close. So have a thread to talk politics. Feel free to keep discussing Der Trump in the Trump threads, or here, it’s all good. And feel free to discuss non-US politics here as well. But please, no one use the phrase “Feel the Bern.”

open thread

Super Tuesday Open Thread

Wait, why is she using a gun to hammer the nails in?

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! If you haven’t already, please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!

Open thread! It’s Super Tuesday here in the US. Discuss today’s primaries, the evil that is Trump, politics in general.


open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: Feb 2016 Barrel of Fun Edition


An open thread for personal stuff. No trolls, no MRAs, etc. No fussing or fighting.

antifeminism gross incompetence memes misogyny MRA open thread

Correct Spelling is Misandry! A Memeday Open Thread

Stay in school, MRA kids!
Stay in school, MRA kids!

Dudes, seriously? If you’re this bad at spelling, run your damn memes by someone you know who can spell before posting them for all of the Internet to see.

off topic open thread

Catch Your Man With Donuts: A Roosh-Free Open Thread

There's a BOFA joke here somewhere.
There’s a BOFA joke here somewhere.

It’s quittin’ time here at We Hunted the Mammoth. So let’s start off the weekend with a Roosh-Free open thread. Feel free to talk about anything and everything that is not Roosh. Like, for example, that weird old ad above. No trolls, no MRAs allowed.

open thread

Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff: January 2016 Party Girls Edition

Get this party started on a Thursday night
Get this party started on a Thursday night

An open thread for non-personal stuff (there’s another one for personal stuff). As usual, no trolls, no MRAs here!

no trolls allowed open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: January 2016 Prairie Dog Hug Edition

I love you, dog!
I got you, dawg!

An open thread for personal stuff. As usual, this thread is a NO TROLLS/NO MRAS zone.

open thread racism

Martin Luther King Day Open Thread


It’s Martin Luther King day here in the US. I thought I’d celebrate it with an open thread, and with a passage from King’s Where Do We Go From Here (1967), which takes on an added relevance in light of a lot that has happened in the last year or so.

off topic open thread

New Year’s Eve/Day Open Thread: It’s 2016 Already Updated Edition

Hanging out in the champagne room
Hanging out in the champagne room

Have some eggnog and hang out for a while.

Here’s to a new year better than this one!

No MRAs/trolls/etc.