open thread trump

Comey-Russia-Ice-Cream-Gate-a-Lago: Another Trump Open Thread Because Holy Crap

Things not looking good for this piece of crap excuse for a human being

Time for another Trump open thread because holy crap. I assume you’re all up on the recent news but in case you missed the important developments with regard to the ice cream:

announcements open thread

Update: I have not fallen into a well


Hey everyone, just a quick note to let you know that I am still here! Sorry for the lack of posts for the last few days. I have been on a Migraine Vacation, which alas is not a vacation from migraines. Nope. I’ve just had a series of migraines (they always come in bunches for me) that have kept me from working on the blog.

open thread trump

The true existential horror of Ted Nugent, Kid Rock and Sarah Palin’s visit to the White House

Every day is Halloween

So I’m too migrained-up to do a proper post today, so instead here are some pictures of Ted Nugent, Kid Rock and Sarah Palin visiting the White House earlier this week. Except creepier! I think these are closer to capturing the true existential horror of the visit than the official pics. Click the pics for slightly higher res versions.

Enjoy, I guess! And consider this an open thread.

no trolls allowed open thread

Politics Open Thread! Special Election O’Reilly Downfall Wandering Aircraft Carrier Edition


There are so many amazing things going on politically at the moment — amazing good, amazing bad, just plain gobstopping — that I figured, hey, let’s do an open thread before we’re all blown up in World War III or something.

No trolls!

open thread

US Intervention in Syria: Open Thread

As I write this, NBC is reporting the US has just launched a volley of Tomahawk missiles against Syria, aimed at a single airfield. Things are developing quickly. Here’s an open thread to discuss.

#ResistTrump open thread

Repub “health care” bill pulled. RESISTANCE WORKS! Happy Friday!

The Republican party in action

It’s a good day. And it’s all thanks to those who protested in the streets, who showed up at Town Hall meetings, who called or wrote their elected representatives, who did anything else they could think of to fight repeal. If you were part of the Resistance, and I know a lot of you were, give yourself a big hand. You did it. We did it.

open thread

Day Without A Woman Open Thread Featuring Donald Trump!

As Sam Bee pointed out on Twitter, every day is a Day Without a Woman in Trump’s White House! 

It’s a slightly belated Day Without a Woman open thread! Post news, pics, details of what you’ve been doing to celebrate #InternationalWomensDay!

open thread trump

Trumpocalypse, Week Two Open Thread

I ran a pic of Trump through a filter based on another pic of Trump and things got weird

An open thread for anyone who wants to talk Trump — to complain about his bullshit, make fun of his hair, strategize about ways to oppose him, whatever. No trolls or Trump fans.

kitties open thread

Friday Night Cat Hat Open Thread

Pussy hat, deluxe model

Hey, how about a nice Friday night non-Trump open thread for not talking about Trump? TA DA. No trolls, Trump fans, etc.

open thread

Friday Night Non-Trump Dance Party 1/27/17 Edition

Take a break from Trump in this Non-Trump Open Thread! No trolls, no Trump fans, no talking about Trump.

If you want to talk about Trump, go here!