open thread trump

Song of the Day: Treason, by The Teardrop Explodes featuring Don Trump Jr

World’s least competent colluder

The Summer 2017 WHTM pledge drive is on! Donate generously to enable our continuing coverage of creepy treasonous Trump sons! Thanks! 

By David Futrelle

A little musical open thread to discuss the amazing news! No Trump fans, trolls, or Don Jr sockpuppets allowed.

open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: June 2017 Flexicat Edition

We all feel like this sometimes

An open thread for personal stuff. As always, no trolls, no Trump fans, no MRAs, etc.

misogyny open thread racism rape rape culture

Injustice System Open Thread

Philando Castile and his mother Valerie

In the wake of the outrageous if not exactly surprising acquittal of a police officer for the murder of Philando Castile and the mistrial in the Bill Cosby rape case here’s an open thread in which to discuss and vent. No trolls, MRAs, Trump fans.

cuteness open thread

I exist! Here are some baby stoats

Totes adorbs

Hey, folks! I still exist. I’m just having another unplanned migraine vacation — same thing yesterday — so I may not get to posting anything today beyond this.

open thread trump

Trump Open Thread: June 2017 End of the World Edition

Say hello to a soggier world!

With Trump pulling the US out of the Paris Climate Agreement like the huge idiot he is, today seems like a good time for another Trump open thread.

Have at it! No trolls or Trump fans.

open thread

Memorial Day 2017 Open Thread

An open thread for Memorial Day. A day for Americans to remember those who have given their lives for their country.

open thread traitor in chief trump

Leaving on a jet plane: Another Trump open thread because holy crap what a week

Live shot from Air Force One

If you still have energy after this rather exhausting week in Trump news, here’s an open thread for you! No trolls or Trump fans.

open thread traitor in chief

The Leaks are Coming From Inside the Trump: Another Trump Open Thread Because JFC

This is fine

So I took a nap and when I woke up the WaPo had reported and other media outlets had confirmed that our Dear Leaker, sorry Leader, had leaked classified info to the Russians at that meeting last week, possibly because he wanted them to know that he’s a BIG BOY now with access to all sorts of secret President stuff! So have at it. Also, maybe I should stop napping. What if my nap CAUSED ALL THIS OH NO.

open thread

Non-Trump Open Thread for Not Talking About Trump: May 2017 Ten Year Orgy Edition

That orgy ain’t gonna last ten years if the shark gets on the raft, dudes

An Open Thread for people who want to talk about anything other than that man in the White House. (Talk about that man here. There’s also an Open Thread for Personal Stuff here.)

No Trolls, no MRAs, no nonsense. Well, no bad nonsense. Good nonsense is fine.

open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: May 2017 Cat Bird Edition

Apparently these two are best buddies; the kitten won’t eat the bird when it wakes up

A somewhat belated Open Thread for Personal Stuff. No trolls, no MRAs, no mean stuff. Email me if anything gets weird.

For an open thread to talk Trump, go here!

For a non-Trump open thread, go here!