Let me second Cloudia in the comments, and say that I hope all East Coast Manboobzers (and their loved ones, and everyone else in the area) is safe and sound and braced for Sandy.
East coasters, use the comments below to check in and let us know how you are! The rest of you, discuss!
If anyone wants to talk about the debates, or anything else vaguely political, have at it here!
Also, I’m not exactly sure why someone wanted to make wax Romney and Obama heads, but I figured I’d put these up in case any of you were ever wondering what that would look like.
Turns out not all men are bad! For example, Roy Wood is a man, and he did this.
If you can’t get enough of this Wizzardry, here’s another performance of the same song. And yes, the bassist is wearing angel wings and roller skates in this one too, though the guitar-playing gorillas are nowhere to be found. Also, no backup singers. I’m beginning to suspect that there might be some lip-syncing going on.
I am sensing from the comments to my earlier post today that what everyone really needs right now is videos of adorable animals. So here are my kittens in action (well, awake, anyway).
In this video, Professor Murder, aka Pantz, wakes up her sister; cuteness ensues. Sorry about the poor image quality, but I think the cuteness shines through anyway.
Perched on a favorite pillow.Prof. Murder aka Pantz’ favorite toy.
Which has also become Sweetie Pie Jonus’ favorite toy.Enjoying the view.… and Sweetie Pie notices a bug.They are ridiculous!
They remain adorable and tiring, though they’ve calmed down a little from the first few days. I think coming from a cage (filled with other kittens) to a big apartment overstimulated them a bit and gave them a desire to run and run (and play and play, and fight and fight).
Professor Murder, aka PantzSweetie Pie JonusAn uneasy truce
Yep, these are the newest additions to the Futrelle household. They’re named after characters on Mr. Show: Professor Murder (a rapper) and Sweetie Pie Jonus (an imprisoned rap mogul who turns out to be a kitten). I’ve given Prof. Murder the nickname Pantz, short for “sillypants,” and that’s what I usually call her. They have an astonishing amount of energy, and spend much of the day tearing about the apartment, wrestling, and trying to walk across my keyboard. I will post some better pictures once I get them to stay still long enough for me to get good shots of them. Sweetie Pie has some amazing wild-looking markings which don’t really show up all that well in these pictures.
Yes, Pantz does look a bit like my old cat Bobo. She was also (how’s this for weird) born on the day that Bobo died. I don’t know what to make of that.
Also, as you may have noticed, the two of them have managed to transfer every bit of dust and crud in the apartment onto the couch.