off topic open thread shut up shut up shut up TROOOLLLL!!

Thread for Hostile Visitors to Endlessly Rehash the Issues They Have With Feminist Research or Whatever

Hey, hostile visitors! Do you have an opinion about, for example, Mary Koss’ rape research? Do you want to discuss it even though the topic has not actually come up by itself in any of the threads and none of my recent posts really have much to do with the specifics of anyone’s rape research? Well, from now on you can discuss it here with anyone who wishes to follow you to this thread.

Added bonus: If you continue to try to discuss it in other threads you’ll be banned!

This also applies to future derailers riding hobbyhorses of their own having nothing to do with Koss.

Happy discussing!

Note: If you wish to discuss the topics at hand, you know, topics directly related to my posts and/or to what other people are discussing and that aren’t, you know, personal hobbyhorses of yours that involve long screeds and various things that you’ve probably already cut and pasted into the comments sections of various other websites until you were banned from them for endless derailing and general asswipery, feel free to remain in the original threads.

kitties off topic

Cat break

Photographer: Mark Hartman
Photographer: Mark Hartman

After yesterday’s post, and the awful events in Boston, I think we’re probably all in need of some kitties. I am, anyway. So here we go.

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Hey! It’s Bette Davis, with a kitten! (Plus bonus cats.)


It occurs to me that I haven’t posted any pictures of cats for awhile. So here are some cats with famous owners. Above, as you’ve probably gathered, is Bette Davis with a kitten. Below: Man Ray, Carole Lombard, and a young Marlon Brando. And, more importantly, their cats.

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Head-clearing Weekend

Sometimes I just can’t bring myself to look at MRA bullshit. I’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, kittens.

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Happy Damn New Year!


Happy New Year! I’ve spent the day so far lazing around, eating leftover pizza and listening to music. And that’s about all I’m going to do, I think.

I’ll be back at work blogging tomorrow.

In the meantime, does anyone have any especially fond memories of Tom Martin and/or Steele from the past year?

Oh, and here’s a video from an Old School New Wave band called Polyphonic Size. It was 1983.  They were from Belgium.

music off topic YouTube

Clearing my head of MRAs, with Friends!


Ok, so I didn’t do a real post today. I’ve sort of been working on my own little best albums of 2012 list, because I am an indredible dork, and I thought I’d share some videos from a band that’s definitely going to be up near the top of it. The band is Friends, and their album is Manifest! (with an exclamation mark). They remind me a bit of YACHT and maybe Santigold mixed with some old school punk-funk along the lines of ESG and the Bush Tetras.

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Fly, me? (Belated slightly off topic post. With funny videos.)

He does not so much fly as plummet.
He does not so much fly as plummet.

Sorry for not having a regular post up today. I’d like to make it up to you with this irregular one, highlighting some of the dumbest modes of transport the world has ever seen.

Let’s start with this skateboard sail, available through Skymall. Is this the dumbest form of transportation ever?

cuteness dawgies kitties off topic open thread YouTube

Friday Night (Cat) Videos

I think we’re sort of overdue for some cat videos. And any other kinds of cute animal videos you want to post below.

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New Post Tomorrow

Sorry, I’ve been busy this weekend. (See photo above.) New post coming tomorrow!

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Thanksgiving Break (With Kittens)


Happy Thanksgiving, US-ians!

No misogyny today, just videos of cute kitties eating and falling asleep. I am going to spend the day eating and playing with kitties and finishing up season one of Doomsday Preppers. I don’t know why I’m so fascinated by people with delusional beliefs, but I am. And I guess most of you reading this are as well, huh?

Now the videos: