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It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time again! WHTM is now ad free and entirely dependent on folks like you for its continued existence. If you’ve donated already, THANKS! If you haven’t, and you can afford it, please DONATE HERE NOW! Thanks again!
By David Futrelle
Today was a truly dark day for those who would have preferred to go through life not ever knowing what Donald Trump’s dick looks like (alleged). In excerpts from Stormy Danies’ forthcoming memoir, the porn-actress-turned-producer described her alleged sexual encounter with our gross president in enough detail to ruin all of our breakfasts.
By David Futrelle
Is Reddit finally learning how to ban correctly?
By David Futrelle
Some good news to start off your week with: Amazon has removed nine of PUA skuzzbucket Roosh Valizadeh’s books from its website. And Roosh, whose latest literary masterpiece dropped on Friday, isn’t happy.
By David Futrelle
Sometimes the sideshow is more interesting than the main event. Consider this strange ass-ault on butt-sex porn found in the comments to a Return of Kings post titled “GLOBOHOMO RAINBOW MAFIA IS FORCING THE U.S. NATIONAL SOCCER TEAMS TO WEAR GAY PRIDE JERSEYS.”
By David Futrelle
You might think that Labor Day would be the MGTOWs’ time to shine. What better day for American MGTOWs, at least, to indulge themselves in the glorious freedom they have allegedly won for themselves by “going their own way” and walking away from women.
By David Futrelle
In June, former security guard Sheldon Bentley was convicted of manslaughter in an Edmonton, Canada, court for kicking a man to death while he lay unconscious in an alley. At his sentencing hearing yesterday, Bentley asked for leniency, submitting a presentence report saying that at the time of the killing he had been angry at the world and suffering from “involuntary celibacy.”
By David Futrelle
By now you may be familiar with the broad outlines of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which might be described, in essence, as Pizzagate on steroids.
By David Futrelle
You have to give Jordan Peterson fans credit for at least one thing: they are unafraid to confront the most challenging questions of our postmodern age. Like, for example: is the slightly unflattering photo of Jordan Peterson that tops the potted biography Google gives you when you search his name evidence of a devious conspiracy by leftist Google goons desperate to make this very serious thinker look a little bit silly?
By David Futrelle
What if you staged a publicity stunt and got no publicity? You might want to ask skeezeball “pickup artist” and rape legalization enthusiast Roosh V.