To hear some Men’s Rightsers tell it, one of the cruellest injustices against men in our allegedly gynocentric world is that men can’t punch women without everybody getting all mad at them.
To hear some Men’s Rightsers tell it, one of the cruellest injustices against men in our allegedly gynocentric world is that men can’t punch women without everybody getting all mad at them.
One possibly true story about the Talking Heads is that, while working with Brian Eno on their genre-shattering album Remain in Light, the band members, or perhaps Eno, decided they wanted to do a song that sounded like Joy Division. The only problem was that none of them had heard Joy Division before, and apparently (this part of the story makes no sense) couldn’t track down any of their recordings.
Someone needs a nap. Specifically, this dude I found in the Men’s Rights subreddit yelling about everything and nothing at all.
A group of anti-vaxxers caused a stir the other day by wearing yellow stars of David to a protest — suggesting that the alleged oppression they face is analogous to that faced by Jews in Hitler’s Germany.
Naturally, one Men’s Rights Redditor has done them one better, comparing men in general to Jews in 1940s Germany.
I saw this in the Men’s RIghts subreddit the other day and I almost wept with joy. Because here, in the wild, was a man mansplaining mansplaining.to feminists.
The old Men’s Rights theory was that women were oppressed once upon a time, but not any more. The slightly newer Men’s Rights theory is that women have never been oppressed — they were pampered by their men, like a cosseted pet.
I learn so much about feminism from reading the Men’s RIghts subreddit. For example, today I learned that feminists — at least those of the feminine persuasion — all want to be men. And that’s why they all have such deep voices.
Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, one of the “activists” is planning a “digital protest” on International Male Men’s Day. He just hopes someone else will do the work for him.
Scanning the headlines on the Men’s Rights subreddit today, one of them popped out at me: The Lives of Men (Poem by Me). I haven’t read much poetry by MRAs recently, so I had to click on it and I can’t say I was disappointed. I expected the worst, but somehow the poem in question was even worster than that. We’re talking MGTOW Cooking bad.
Today, a lovely rant from a very angry dude on the Men’s RIghts subreddit. And the regulars there liked it so much they gave it 200 (net) upvotes.
So let’s see what Adddam31 had to say.