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“Google’s war on men and boys” is a collective MRA hallucination

I’m not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your detective work, there, Lou.

Men’s RIghts Redditors’ ears are spouting steam in the wake of the latest outrage from Google.

Uh, what exactly is the latest outrage from Google, you ask? According to a fellow called rabel111, the internet behemoth has declared “war on men and boys.”

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MRAs in India are protesting a proposed marital rape law. And Men’s Rights Redditors are on their side

Indian MRAs, standing up for the supposed “right” to rape their wives

In India, there is a specific exemption in the rape laws that makes it legal for a man to rape his wife, provided she is over the age of consent; if she’s old enough to consent, in other words, her consent )or, rather, the lack thereof) is irrelevant. At the moment an Indian high court is considering getting rid of the exemption. Not so fast, say Indian MRAs, who have been publicly protesting for their continued “right” to rape their wives.

imaginary oppression misogyny MRA reddit

Story time: Men’s Rights activist oppressed by friendly Hooters waitress at the age of five

Nice hooters!

Men’s Rights activists are so desperate to paint themselves as victims that they will seize on almost anything as proof of their oppression at the hands of women. Take the case of one fellow called 808JUMP_SUIT, who recently turned to the Men’s Rights subreddit with this tale of woe. Let’s call it Cutiegate.

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We’re back, with three profound insights into the true nature of women from the Men’s Rights subreddit

Hey, We Hunted the Mammoth is up again

As you might have noticed, this site has not been on its best behavior lately; there have been slowdowns, 504 errors, outages. Well, with the help of am internet maven who was very generous with her time and expertise, we’re now back on track. And on a shiny new server. So hopefully things will be running a bit more smoothly from here on out, though there may be a few glitches as we settle in on the new server. There are a few formatting things i need to fix as well.

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Men’s Rightser explains the problem with “giving women the complete freedom to choose their mate”

So yesterday I posted an extended fisking of a rant from the Men’s RIghts subreddit that was longer than fuck.

Well, guess what: there’s even more wild bulshit from other Men’s RIghtsers in that very same thread, a little conversation in which each new comment is a little bit worse than the last. (There should be a name for that, I think.)

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“We’re expected to provide, protect, provision, promote and surrender our sperm” and other long-winded lessons from the Men’s Rights subreddit

One thing I’ve noticed about Men’s Rights Activists is that they like to type. Type, type, type — they LOVE it!

a voice for men abuse allegedly false accusations misogyny MRA paul elam rape sexual assault Uncategorized

The former A Voice for Men point man for “Judicial Accountability” was just arrested in Scotland, where he reportedly fled to escape rape and fraud charges in the US after faking his own death

Nicholas Rossi, Nicholas Alahverdian, Nick Alan and Arthur Knight.

It’s safe to say that A Voice for Men founder Paul Elam is not really a great judge of character.

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MRA: Sperm is superior to ovaries because sperms have to swim while the lazy ovaries just lie there eating bon bons

So the Men’s Rights activists on Reddit are having a big discussion of how unfair it is that male sexuality is demonized while female sexuality is glorified. (Try telling that to any girl who was labeled a “slutin high school.)

boobs misogyny MRA reddit the c-word

MRA post of the day: “There’s no such thing as tOXic masculinity you dumb c___.”

Well, you’ve got to admit that he gets right to the point.

I examined some of his posting history on Reddit, and determined that 1) he’s not a troll, just a huge jerk, and 2) he does indeed love big boobs.

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If a “Pro-Male” meme fell in a forest and there was no one to see it, would it make any sense?

ProMaleMemes, with its 148 subscribers, is not the most popular of the Men’s Rightsy subreddits. It’s not just unpopular compared with the original Men’s Rights subreddit, with its 319,488 subscribers; it’s even a bit of a laggard compared with the subreddit that spawned it, the also-highly-unpopular ProMaleCollective subreddit, with its 4608 subscribers.