Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fellow called Henry_Blair — the inventor of a replacement to feminism and the Men’s Rights movement called “Lovism” — has offered up a little manifesto with the less -than-grabby title “Women were given the message that immense privilege awaits them if they only cooperate with the feminist effort to depict men as an abuser-sex and women as a victim-sex.“
Category: MRA
Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, some of the loudest MRAs are celebrating the apparent end of Roe V. Wade with an outburst of mean-spirited gloating. “This is great news,” declares syedalired21.
I found some lovely dating advice for frugal men in a discussion of dating apps on the Men’s Rights subreddit.
Let’s take another brief excursion to the Incels.is forums, where one prolific poster is setting forth a slightly new version of an old incel folk belief — namely, that being raped is really much less traumatic than being an incel.
Men’s Rights activists have to stretch a bit to find new things to get mad about. Right now Men’s Rights Redditors are working themselves into a tizzy because a city in Colorado made it legal for women and girls to go topless.
In 2019.
A couple of weeks back, I wrote about Men’s Rights Inactivism — the almost complete inability of so many so-called Men’s Rights activists to actually do anything like real activism in the real world. I was inspired by a discussion on the Men’s RIghts subreddit in which numerous MRAs reacted with defensive anger after another MRA called them out on this notable failure.
Today, a brief tour of the Pro-Male memes subreddit, a tiny spinoff of the also tiny ProMaleCollective subreddit, and home to a dissident faction of Men’s RIghtsers that has declared war not only on traditional lMRA targets like feminists but also on most MRAs, whom the Pro-Male dismiss as a bunch of tradcons (traditional conservatives) who don’t hate feminism as much as the Pro-Malers think they should.
But the Pro-Malers share one thing in common with the MRAs they so often target with their memes: they are absolutely terrible at making memes.
If you want to make a Men’s Rights Activist sputtering mad, try asking them if they’ve ever lifted a single solitary finger in the real world to help their fellow men. Because the overwhelming majority of them haven’t, and won’t.
You probably haven’t been wondering what good old A Voice for Men — yes, it’s still alive, if barely — has to say about Will Smith’s famous slap. But I’m going to tell you about it anyway, because I found it quite … educational?
Women sure do love drama, amirite fellas?
That, in a nutshell, is one Men’s Rights Redditor’s explanation for the popularity of feminism amongst women. These women don’t give a shit about abstract ideas like equality and justice; they just get a rush from playing the victim and pushing feminism on hapless men.