bad science cock blockade crackpottery empathy deficit evil sex-rejecting ladies evil sexy ladies hypergamy lgbt men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men pussy cartel pussyconomics reddit sexy robot ladies

Straight men! Destroy the sexual power of women by having sex with each other, Reddit MRA suggests

Women, defeated at last!

By David Futrelle

In the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars only discuss the most important issues affecting men. Prostate cancer. Circumcision. When scientists will get around to developing some new technology that will render women obsolete — or that will at the very least make women feel really bad about themselves.

a woman is always to blame antifeminism conspiracy theory dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies evil ex-wives evil widows men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men reddit that's completely wrong wage gap

Men are oppressed by earning more than women, ingenious Men’s Rights Redditor insists

She looks thrilled

By David Futrelle

Men’s Rights Activists generally respond to discussions of the wage gap between men and women by snidely dismissing it as a long-disproven myth. (It’s very definitely not.)

alt-lite andrea hardie antifeminism antifeminist women consent is hard divorce domestic violence empathy deficit hypergamy hypocrisy irony alert judgybitch misogyny MRA woman's suffrage

We shouldn’t listen to teens for the same reason we shouldn’t listen to women, declares woman who wants people to listen to her

Janet “JudgyBitch” Bloomfield, explaining why no one should listen to her

By David Futrelle

Attention-seeking alt-lite antifeminist Janet “JudgyBitch” Bloomfield has managed to get the attention of Vice News for the second time in four years, starring in a recent Vice video (embedded below) as “the woman against women voting.”

a voice for men advocacy of violence alt-lite alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism AntiFa chris cantwell cool story bro daily stormer gab grandiosity guns hate speech homophobia infighting literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA nazis with guns racism schadenfreude transphobia weev white supremacy yeah that's the ticket yeah totally sure right

Alt-Right erupts after crying Nazi Christopher Cantwell admits he’s a federal informant

Christopher Cantwell: Remember when this guy used to write for A Voice for Men?

By David Futrelle

Oh dear. It seems the Alt-Right is in a bit of a tizzy again, and this time the culprit is Christopher Cantwell, the gun-loving Nazi and former A Voice for Men contributor who gained a certain pathetic notoriety for posting a tearful, fearful video after learning he was wanted by the police for tear-gassing antifascist counterprotesters at the Unite the Right rally last summer in Charlottesville.

alpha males evo psych fairy tales men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA penises PUA

Red Pillers: Stop looking to gorillas for dating advice. Embrace the banana slug instead

The Anglerfish: If you like Pina Coladas, and fusing with a much larger female and basically turning into a dangly appendage that provides her with sperm

By David Futrelle

Pickup artists and Men’s Rights Activists and other reactionary misogynists love to claim that their retrograde ideas about human “mating strategy” have been proven 100% awesome and correct by SCIENCE. By SCIENCE, of course, they generally mean a simplified version of evolutionary psychology based on “just so stories” about our human ancestors and assorted studies of animals that supposedly prove the eternal truth that alphas rule and betas drool.

fan mail feminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

Roses are red, women are shrews, here’s a men’s rights poem for youse

Let’s see — brunt, bunt, hunt, shunt … so many possibilities!

By David Futrelle

I get a lot of, well, less-than-complimentary emails from dudes who aren’t what you’d call big fans of this site. But I don’t get a lot of poems.

antifeminism bears mansplaining MRA twitter what about the men?

What about the men (who are not polar bears)?


By David Futrelle

Here, courtesy of Australian funny lady writer Bec Shaw’s Twitter, is what may well be “the most amazing ‘what about men’ of all time.”

The pic above I mean.

a near for men a voice for men advocacy of violence antifeminism Dean Esmay doxing entitled babies hate hate speech men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability paul elam playing the victim splc

Paul Elam: The SPLC is calling A Voice for Men a hate group — so you should send me money

Paul Elam wants your money, again

By David Futrelle

Paul Elam, the founder of A Voice for Men, has responded to his site’s inclusion on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s official list of hate groups rather predictably, lashing out against the hate-tracking organization with what he thinks is righteous indignation. And then asking people to give him money.

alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism chris cantwell figurative nazis hate literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men paul elam rhymes with roosh

Congrats! A Voice for Men and Return of Kings have both been designated hate groups by the SPLC

Paul Elam of A Voice for Men: Now officially a hatemonger

By David Futrelle

A big round of applause for two websites that have featured here on We Hunted the Mammoth from the beginning: A Voice for Men and Return of Kings have both been officially recognized by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups. 

empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil working women men who really shouldn't be making movies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam rape rape culture red pill sexual assault sexual exploitation sexual harassment trump

Paul Elam: The real victims of Harvey Weinstein were those denied a spot on his casting couch

This guy again

By David Futrelle

As we round out another terrible news week here on Planet Earth, it’s a safe bet that very few of you have found yourself wondering what Men’s Rights has-been Paul Elam has to say about that whole Harvey Weinstein thing.