alt-lite alt-right entitled babies incels literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA red pill

Who Goes Red Pill? A sequel to Dorothy Thompson’s Nazi-guessing parlor game

Take the fucking blue pill

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By David Futrelle

In 1941, writer Dorothy Thompson invented what she described as “an interesting and somewhat macabre parlor game” called “Who Goes Nazi?” The idea was simple: the next time you’re at a party, or some other social gathering, take a look at those around you and try to guess which ones would, “in a showdown … go Nazi.”

alt-lite alt-right creepy cringe doubling down entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA semen Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux grossed us all out with his comments on Taylor Swift’s eggs. But he’s been obsessed with ovulation for a long time.

The Eggman

By David Futrelle

Yesterday afternoon, the Alt-Rightish YouTube “philosopher” Stefan Molyneux decided that the world needed to hear his thoughts on Taylor Swift’s eggs. Not her egg salad recipe (if she has one) or her favorite way to prepare an omelette. Her eggs eggs. The ones inside her body.

alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism crackpottery cringe Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies immigrants irony alert makeup is a lie men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not a cult oppressed white men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles racism sexual harassment Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux says his YouTube career is in a “death spiral.” I may bust out crying.

Stefan has had a “brutal year”

By David Futrelle

Stefan Molyneux is having a bad time. In a recent YouTube video, the white nationalist philosopher-impersonator chronicles what he calls his “brutal year,” with YouTube views dropping precipitously — due, he says, to alleged unspecified YouTube machinations against him —and his other moneymaking attempts failing. He throws himself on the mercy of his 929,000 YouTube supporters, begging for donations and promising half-seriously to write a new book on whatever subject they collectively demand.

aggrieved entitlement antifeminism antifeminist women domestic violence entitled babies female beep boop FemRAs hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit

Men’s Rights Activists consider doing some activism, decide it’s too hard and take a nap

La-Z-Boy: The all-but-official chair of the Men’s Rights Movement

By David Futrelle

There are few creatures on this planet who are more badly misnamed than the Men’s Rights Activist. For one thing, most MRAs seem less interested in expanding rights for men than they are with taking away the rights of women. For another, as I’ve been pointing out since I started this blog nine years ago, they don’t actually do any activism beyond yelling about, and at, women online.

antifeminism butts evil sexy ladies fidelbogen men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MRA playing the victim

I have discovered the world’s sexiest Men’s Rights underpants

Hands up! You’re under arrest for being TOO SEXY!

By David Futrelle

The lady haters on Reddit and elsewhere are reliably outraged every time they discover that some e-girl they’re probably secretly obsessed with is making money selling their used underwear online.

entitled babies irony alert misogyny MRA reddit

Men’s Rights Activists are losing it over a new version of Monopoly in which women make more than men

Every MRAs worst nightmare

By David Futrelle

From time to time, game company Hasbro gets bored and greedy and decides to perk up sales a little with a novelty version of the game Monopoly.

alt-lite alt-right beta males crackpottery empathy deficit entitled babies female beep boop irony alert makeup is a lie men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA Stefan Molyneux twitter

Six fun and kicky makeup tips from YouTube racist Stefan Molyneux

By David Futrelle

The last time we checked in on YouTube philosopher racist crackpot Stefan Molyneux, he was trying his hand at slam poetry, sort of. Now he’s become a beauty blogger. Or beauty tweeter, anyway, unleashing a veritable tweetstorm on the subject of makeup over the last several days.

alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism rape rape culture sexual abuse sexual exploitation Stefan Molyneux white genocide white supremacy

YouTube ranter Stefan Molyneux goes all-in on antisemitism, using the Epstein child rape case as an excuse

The three faces of Stefan Molyneux

By David Futrelle

YouTube “philosopher” and erstwhile Men’s Rights Activist Stefan Molyneux has been an open white nationalist in all but name for some time now, ranting endlessly about race and IQ, spreading disinformation about alleged “white genocide” in South Africa, and wondering aloud why more countries can’t be like almost-exclusively white Poland, free of what he sees as the burden of diversity.

antifeminism antifeminist women creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil sex-rejecting ladies female beep boop gender policing men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture rape is good actually reddit straw feminists

Men’s Rights Redditor: Laws against rape are a shit test women use to filter out men who aren’t “man enough to push past protestations”

What dudes who “push past resistance” actually deserve

By David Futrelle

Today, just another example of the sort of toxic nonsense that gets upvotes in the Men’s Rights subreddit, despite the protestations from Reddit MRAs that they really aren’t about hate at all.

#metoo a voice for men aimee terese alt-lite alt-right antifeminist women empathy deficit misogyny MRA paul elam rape rape culture rape jokes sexual assault sexual exploitation sexual harassment soyboys splc twitter

QUIZ: Who called #MeToo accusers a bunch of “starf*ckers” — putative leftist Aimee Terese or professional misogynist Paul Elam?

Aimee Terese and Paul Elam: Bad Take factories

By David Futrelle

It’s getting harder and harder to tell the difference between a certain subspecies of contemporary leftist — the anti-“identity politics” types who take a naughty delight in dismissing their foes as “retarded” — and the pepe-posting assholes of the alt-right and/or the woman-hating dinguses of the Men’s Rights Movement.