I was reminded again today why exactly sex workers aren’t the “solution” for incels, and I thought I’d write a sort of followup to the post I originally wrote on the subject last October.
I was reminded again today why exactly sex workers aren’t the “solution” for incels, and I thought I’d write a sort of followup to the post I originally wrote on the subject last October.
The misogynistic backlash isn’t confined to the Anglosphere. Indeed, a new report from France’s High Council for Equality between Women and Men finds “alarming” levels of sexism in French society, especially among the young.
A new report from the US Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center examines five years of data on mass attacks in public places in the US from 2016-2020. The report, which looked at 173 separate incidents, found that mass attacks are an almost exclusively male sport: 96% of the attackers were male. And a significant number of them were motivated by misogyny.
Right-wing pundit Phil Labonte, 47, recently ran across the Tinder profile of Kat Abughazaleh, a Media Matters researcher who monitors Tucker Carlson and evidently decided to try to embarrass her by tweeting it out to his hundred thousand followers.
It’s tough being an Asian fetishist in the west. Sorry, not an Asian fetishist. Just a guy who happens to have a crush on this Chinese girl at his school and who thinks that feminism has turned western women into “ungrateful assholes with shit personalit[ies],“ unlike the relatively innocent and uncorrupted young women of Japan and China.
Cognitive dissonance is a thing.
Earlier this week, the Mars corporation set off another culture war skirmish by launching a new, all-female package of M&Ms as a way of showing some sort of candy-related solidarity with the women of the world. “We’re celebrating women who are flipping the status quo, transforming the world around them to make it a more colorful and welcoming place for all,” the company declared.
On Monday, The Conversation ran an article by two anthropologists titled “Women work harder than men – our anthropological study reveals why.”
“Why are incels turning themselves into girls?” asks a headline on Unherd.com. A blog post on Pirate Wires posits a veritable “Incel-To-Transwoman Pipeline.” Finally, an article on Breitbart, illustrated with a stock photo of a mustachioed man wearing lipstick and nail polish, declares that “a look into a sizable online community reveals the shocking motive behind some men’s desire to identify as women: involuntary celibacy.”
Despite their deep pessimism about pretty much everything else, incels do look forward to one thing: the eventual arrival of sexy lady robots that will not only have sex with them but who will also strip flesh-and-blood ladies of their sexual monopoly.