fatphobia misogyny red pill

Men oppressed by fat women trying to date them

The oppression of men by fat women continues apace. Reports are coming in that some of these fat women want to date “normal” sized men, while “normal” sized women are all dating hunky Chads and are thus unavailable and unattainable by their male looks matches.

anti-Semitism depression it's science! misogyny NoFap semen

Does NoFap make you murderous and depressed?

Dude, jerk off already

Just fucking wank it, ok? New research in the journal Sexualities discovered that people who engage with anti-masturbation communities tend to feel more suicidal after a perceived “relapse.”

culture war misogyny racism woke

Right-wing culture warriors furious at Disney for casting black girls as “lost boys” in the new Peter Pan & Wendy

Those aren’t white boys!!1!1

There’s a new Disney movie coming out in which the cast is not all white, so naturally, the right-wingers are throwing a fit about “wokeness” and the alleged evils of race-mixing–sorry, race-swapping.

homophobia incels misogyny sexual inequality

Gay men are stealing our women, incels lament

Incels have a new sworn enemy: gay men. In a post on the forum, someone calling himself SocialzERo laid out the basics of what he calls the “f*gpill.”

misogyny red pill reddit sexual exploitation

“No woman has ever been manipulated into sex,” Red Pilled Redditor mansplains

Another insight into women from a man with zero insight into women. According to one deeply unpleasant dude on the PurplePillDebate subreddit called Round-Relative-7859, “no woman has ever been manipulated into sex.” How does he know this? He redefines manipulation out of existence when it comes to sex. Hey presto, no manipulation.

antifeminism misogyny women aren't funny

Women aren’t funny, declare world’s unfunniest men

Over on the Antifeminists subreddit, they’re discussing what is probably the central issue of our age: “Why have feminists made it forbidden to talk about the fact that female comedians aren’t funny?”

evil sexy ladies incels misogyny reddit sexual harassment sexual insecurity

The easy life of the attractive woman, as imagined by the world’s bitterest Redditor

The Pledge Drive is in its final days, but we’re still coming up short! So please donate what you can. Thanks! You can also contribute on Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.

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A favorite pastime of the bitterest of men is to imagine just how gloriously easy it is to live life as a beautiful woman. One of these fellows recently sat down and penned an interesting work of fiction on the topic to post in the PurplePillDebate subreddit. So let’s give “How I imagine life as an attractive woman is like” by somanyshawties a quick read; I will be offering some notes.

misogyny reddit sexual exploitation sexual insecurity

Are women actually attracted to men, asks man who is not attractive to women

The Pledge Drive is still going … slowly! So please donate what you can to keep this blog going. Thanks! You can also contribute to me on Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.

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Here’s a question from the AskMen subreddit from some guy who doesn’t understand why it is that no women ever seem to have any interest in sex:

dating tips homophobia misogyny reddit sexual insecurity

The rise of female bisexuals and lesbians and the fall of men, or at least Men’s Rights activists

The Pledge Drive is still struggling! So please donate what you can to keep this blog going. Thanks!

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It’s always amusing to me when some guy has a Big Theory about why he can’t get laid. It’s never his fault; it’s always some Big Trend, usually having something to do with feminism.

misogyny reddit sexual assault

“Women complain about male horniness and yet they benefit the most from it,” Redditor explains

He just wants to help

A spicy hot take from the PurplePillDebate subreddit: women benefit from male horniness because horny dudes will help them move their sofa.