The pledge drive is still limping along, well short of its goal. If you can donate anything, please do! Thanks!
Over on Incels.is, one prolific commenter called Chudpreet asks the question: “Are women even fit to be parents?”
The pledge drive is still limping along, well short of its goal. If you can donate anything, please do! Thanks!
Over on Incels.is, one prolific commenter called Chudpreet asks the question: “Are women even fit to be parents?”
The WHTM pledge drive is still struggling! Please help us get closer to our goals by donating through the link below!
A new paper published in the journal New Media & Society by a team of Canadian researchers examines some 3.7 million posts and comments from the regulars on the Incels.is forums, and it turns out that these dudes are really, really, really racist and misogynistic. I know, it’s a real shocker.
The pledge drive is struggling! Please show your support and donate what you can!
In case you were wondering, there are still dudes out there who simply refuse to believe that women and girls play video games. Consider the reaction to a recent Twitter thread in which a video game industry analyst announced the results of a recent survey of video game players that revealed, among other things, that women make up half of those who own a gaming PC–and more than half of those who own a Nintendo Switch.
It’s pledge drive week here on WHTM. The survival of this blog depends on people like you! So please donate what you can!
Incels have something of a love-hate relationship with porn. They love it, because they think it’s the closest they’ll ever get to having sex. And they hate it … because they think it’s the closest they’ll ever get to having sex.
Check out my new blog, My AI Obsession, and my latest post, Quick Take: Nobody Puts Baby in a Corset
Incel logic strikes again. Apparently, if you’re wearing a condom during sex, you’re being “cucked,” and the sex doesn’t count as sex.
Check out my new blog My AI Obsession, and my latest post there, Chatbots on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Even by incel standards, this one is … impressive. On the Incels.is forums, one prolific commenter explains exactly why he’s so obsessed with Asian women: he thinks they’re insects. Maybe literally.
Check out my new blog, My AI Obsession, and my latest post there, I Prompt the Body Electric
It’s getting harder and harder to keep track of all the companies and people the right-wing culture warriors have decided to boycott.
Check out my new blog, My AI Obsession, and my latest post there, I Prompt the Body Electric
Noelle Dunphy, the ex-business development director for repellent political operative Rudy Giuliani, is spilling some seriously hot tea. According to a lawsuit she just filed against him, Giuliani’s job requirements were a little, er, unconventional, with the frequently drunk MAGA lawyer insisting on sex-on-demand and forcing her to wear scanty clothes while working out of his apartment with him. She’s seeking a cool $10 million in damages.
Check out my new blog, My AI Obsession.
By now you’ve probably seen the pictures of Allen, Texas mass shooter Mauricio Garcia showing off his freshly inked Nazi tattoos. His social media account on OK.ru is filled with racist material and quotes from far-right white supremacist sites like VDare and the Daily Stormer.
Check out my new blog, My AI Obsession and my latest post there I tried the right-wing chatbot GIPPR, and I don’t think it likes me very much
So many unhealthy ideas about dating and relationships floating around in the PurplePillDebate subreddit! Today, let’s take a quick look at a rather bitter red piller (or perhaps even a little bit of a black piller) explaining to the assembled masses why “relationships are for losers.”