So A Voice for Men has decided to use a picture of a disabled veteran … to attack black single mothers.
Last week, semi-professional internet instigator Andrea Hardie treated the world to a rather spectacular Twitter flameout, in which she hurled racist abuse against Beyonce’s allegedly “feral” and “animalistic” fans, and threatened to murder several of them, telling one that “I would love to bolt your ugly face to the roof of my car.”
It’s too bad the US Treasury threw a big wet blanket on Trump fans’ celebrations of the Great Orange Hope’s big New York Primary victory yesterday.
Did I say “too bad?” I meant “ah hahaha ha ha ha.”
Aaron Clarey, self-proclaimed “economist” and friend to such Manosphere luminaries as Davis Aurini and Matt Forney, is a white dude with many opinions about black people, and how, in his estimation, they are living their lives incorrectly.
As I write this, the ballots are still being counted, but it’s clear this is a big night for Trump. And a terrible night for Marco Rubio, who lost his home state of Florida and bowed out of the race.
So naturally, Trump’s most enthusiastic supporters (many of whom are also sort of white supremacists) took to Twitter to crow about Mr. T’s various victories. And call people cucks.
Every Friday is Memeday here at We Hunted the Mammoth, but this week I’m going to start the celebration a day early, with a collection of “told you so!” memes I found, mostly, on Men’s Rights and other antifeminist Facebook pages.
Are you saddened by the racial divisions in the United States?
One Red Pill Redditor who calls himself Cosmicicarus has come up with a bold new plan that he claims could put a dent in urban poverty — and also help nerdy white dudes get some attention paid to their long-suffering you-know-whats.
I don’t really intend to write about former A Voice for Men number two Dean Esmay as often as I do. But every time I so much as glance at his Twitter timeline, I find something so noxious and ridiculous it makes my head hurt. In other words, here we go again.
Yesterday Raquel Willis, who describes herself in her Twitter bio as a “black trans queer feminist media maven,” Tweeted pictures of Alice Walker and bell hooks alongside a comment criticizing those who think “black feminism/#womanism is just a way to keep the black man down.”
Mr. Esmay, a big ol’ white dude, saw her Tweet, and decided that he needed to put her straight on a few things. It wasn’t pretty.
The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! If you haven’t already, please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!
Yet another reminder that Red Pillers aren’t just insufferable misogynists; they also tend to be racist as hell.
For proof, look no further than this comment from a TOP ENDORSED COMMENTER in the Red Pill subreddit with dozens of upvotes. The topic at hand: that video from a virtually all-white University of Alabama sorority that looked a bit like a recruitment video for the Stepford Wives.
Naturally, the Red Pillocks love the video, especially its unbearable whiteness of being. Don’t cut yourself on the “edgy” racism below.
Hey Reddit, you know you can just ban blatant racism. There’s no rule saying you have to provide a platform for the world’s worst shitheads.
Oh, wait, I forgot that Reddit’s key demographic is the world’s worst shitheads. Never mind.
H/T — r/TheBluePill
It’s not exactly a secret that the Manosphere, stuffed to overflowing with he-man women haters, is also full of racists. Some of them quite open with, and even proud of, their racism, repeating literal neo-Nazi talking points and comparing blacks to apes. Others, especially amongst the Men’s Rights Activsts, pretend to be above race, often portraying themselves as champions for black men while reserving their most virulent racism for black women.
Enter JudgyBitch, the slur-spewing A Voice for Men “social media director” — and white lady. A recent post on her blog asks the question “Black men are failing catastrophically – are Black mothers to blame?”
Can you guess what her answer is? Yes, that’s correct.