actual mammoths bad anatomy bad history bad science crackpottery creepy dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogynatomy misogyny vaginas

Misogynatomy II: Women have periods because cavewomen didn’t eat meat, angry weirdo claims [UPDATE: He was joking]

Don’t do it, ladies!

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UPDATE: Oops. Turns out this dude’s post was satire, posted to a Facebook group mocking mansplainers.

By David Futrelle

More misogynatomy for your misogynatomy filesI don’t quite know how the British tabloids (The Sun, The Mirror, Metro UK) got to this story before I did but STOP THE PRESSES, there’s a weird angry dude on Facebook who thinks cis women get periods because cavewomen didn’t eat meat. No, really.