So this hashtag popped up on Twitter today, a deliberately ironic poke at gender inequality (I asssume). There were a variety of reactions — some funny, some not-so-funny, and some that seemed to have floated in from another dimension.
So this hashtag popped up on Twitter today, a deliberately ironic poke at gender inequality (I asssume). There were a variety of reactions — some funny, some not-so-funny, and some that seemed to have floated in from another dimension.
By David Futrelle
So I’ve done it: I’ve found the weirdest and most delusional take on the Coronavirus yet, and it comes not from the incels or the MGTOWs or the Trump administration but rather from the “Gender Critical” subreddit, the main hangout of Reddit’s TERFs.
By David Futrelle
In the morally inverted world of the Incels.co forums, there’s a bit of a debate going on over whether or not coronavirus could possibly end up being, well, a very good thing for the incels of the world.
By David Futrelle
In Taylor Swift’s new music video “The Man,” the pop icon dons male drag (complete with scruffy beard) and struts about like the biggest douchebag on planet earth — manspreading on the subway, throwing a temper tantrum on a tennis court, pissing in public, and, in a scene from “58 years later,” marrying a woman who looks like she could be her/his great-granddaughter. As a riff on male entitlement, it’s not what you’d call especially subtle. But it still manages to be funny in spots.
By David Futrelle
Men’s Rights Redditors are getting their boxer briefs in a twist over news that Wikipedia is now including the Men’s Rights subreddit on their list of “controversial Reddit communities” alongside such names as r/TheRedPill and the toxic pro-Trump subreddit The_Donald.
By David Futrelle
Spare a thought, this Valentine’s Day, for the ones who suffer the most during this celebration of love and candy and consumerism — the Men’s Rights Activists, shaken to their very core by a holiday in which women get jewelry and flowers from beleaguered men who want nothing more than some top quality nookie in return but can’t even get a hand job because all women are bitches, or something.
By David Futrelle
Well, feminism was fun while it lasted, but now it’s time for us to negotiate our terms of surrender to the Men’s Rights Activists. And all because of this post in the MRAmemes subreddit by some dude called MRA-automatron-2kb..
By David Futrelle
So I thought I would take a look at the Men’s Rights subreddit today, and as usual I learned a lot.
By David Futrelle
There’s a little bit of drama going on in the Am I the Asshole subreddit, where Redditors who suspect that they might just possibly have behaved a teensy bit improperly (but probably not) go to tell their stories and get a ruling on their asshole status from their peers.
By David Futrelle
You’ve probably heard of the Christian movie review sites that rate whether or not the latest Hollywood offerings will be good wholesome fun for the entire (evangelical Christian) family, carefully cataloging each film’s unsavory elements, from beheadings to glimpses of nipple, and even how many times characters in movies take the Lord’s name in vain?