By David Futrelle
Men’s Rights Activists — and their close cousins the MGTOWs — fret endlessly about what they see as the unfair power women wield over hapless straight men seduced by their sexy bodies.
By David Futrelle
Men’s Rights Activists — and their close cousins the MGTOWs — fret endlessly about what they see as the unfair power women wield over hapless straight men seduced by their sexy bodies.
By David Futrelle
The results are in for the European elections, and as a confused American I have no idea what they mean, for the UK or Europe as a whole. (I’ll leave the explanations to people who understand this better than me.)
By David Futrelle
Captain Marvel has been in theaters for two and a half months now, but the baby men of the internet are still finding excuses to throw tantrums over it.
By David Futrelle
It’s hard to keep track of all the myriad ways incels are oppressed. Here’s a new one I discovered today in the Braincels subreddit:
By David Futrelle
A couple of months back, you may recall, the infamous pickup artist and ironic rape legalization proponent Roosh V announced that he had taken “the God pill,” embracing Jesus and Orthodox Christianity, after getting really, really high on mushrooms. (No, really.)
By David Futrelle
For the past few months I’ve been mildly obsessed with the Semen Retention subreddit, a sort of harder-core alternative to the bigger NoFap subreddit, full of earnest men convinced that if they can just keep their hands off their dingles for a long enough time they’ll gain quasi-magical powers and become irresistibly attractive to women. Their collective ideology is a weird mixture of pseudoscience, occultism, Eastern woo, and Red Pill misogyny, with a dollop of old-fashioned antisemitism occasionally tossed into the mix for flavor. For a connoisseur of weird misogyny like me, what’s not to love?
By David Futrelle
Sometimes people new to Men’s Rights activism — and who haven’t yet realized that they’ve joined a hate group rather than a real civil rights movement — ask why feminists don’t work together with MRAs to make the world a big happy place for everyone.
By David Futrelle
Incels spend a lot of time debating incredibly stupid things. Whether female sexual pleasure matters. Which mass shooters to embrace as heroes and which to dismiss as “amateurs” with insufficient body counts. Whether or not incels today suffer more than actual slaves did in antebellum America. Whether most women regularly have sex with dogs, or just some of them?
By David Futrelle
Sunday night Donald Trump Jr. retweeted a transphobic tweet from someone long familiar to readers of this blog: the racist, woman-hating YouTube “philosopher” Stefan Molyneux, whom the Southern Poverty Law Center describes, accurately, as an “alleged cult leader who amplifies ‘scientific racism,’ eugenics and white supremacism to a massive … audience.”
By David Futrelle
It’s not just Men’s Rights Activists who’ve appropriated the language of the Civil Rights movement in order to further their reactionary cause. The incels do it too — though, incels being incels, they tend to be much weirder about it.