a woman is always to blame actual mammoths aggrieved entitlement antifeminism dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies evil working women evo psych fairy tales eww gross incompetence mansplaining mantrum men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny rape rape culture sex workers sexy robot ladies trump western women suck

ALL you need to do, is have babis: Another Comment I Didn’t Let Through

A question that applies to MGTOWs too

By David Futrelle

I thought I would end this week by setting aside the Nazi Menace for a minute so we can plunge once again into the swirling male-strom of Men Going Their Own Way. Today’s MGTOW adventure comes in the form of a very long, though not very well proofread manifesto that some dude called Zachary left in the comments here about a week ago. I didn’t let it through moderation then because I wanted to share it with you all.

dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

“Men created civilization,” declares man who’s created nothing

MGTOWs: Building our civilization, one spilled bowl of Cheetos at a time

The Summer 2017 WHTM pledge drive is on! Do your bit for civilization by sending along some much-needed cash! Thanks! 

By David Futrelle

So over in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, some dude who doesn’t understand the basics of history or much else has declared, in all caps, that “WOMEN WERE NEVER OPPRESSED!”

alt-right antifeminism beta males chad thundercock evil moms gynocracy irony alert Islamophobia lazy women eating bon bons men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny Uncategorized

MGTOWs: Ban Mother’s Day because women are the rectum of civilization

Happy Mom Jeans Day to all my MGTOW readers!

So this Mother’s Day I got two very thoughtful gifts from a couple of my MGTOW readers, who evidently decided to take a few minutes off from their busy schedule of Going Their Own Way to write me a couple of epic comments about how Mother’s Day should be banned and “the women of society responsible for gynocentrism enslaving men” summarily executed. Also something about rectums.

alt-right dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about empathy deficit entitled babies men created civilization men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny women's jobs aren't real

The only valuable thing about women is their looks, manosphere “economist” Aaron Clarey declares

Woman cashing in on her economic asset

It’s Equal Pay Day, the annual holiday intended to remind everyone of the still very much real wage gap between men and women, so what better day for self-styled Manosphere “economist” Aaron Clarey to declare that the economic worth of women is based almost entirely on their hotness?

alt-right antifeminism armageddon creepy cuck cuckolding irony alert men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises

Angry dudes respond to my NYmag piece on the convergence of MGTOWs and the alt-right

MGTOWs: Building civilization by getting mad on the internet

It didn’t take MGTOWs long to find my New York magazine piece on the convergence of MGTOWs and the alt-right. A number of these lovely fellows decided to challenge my evil FAKE NEWS SLANDER by posting long comments over on that pretty much confirmed what a bunch of hateful, self-pitying and very, very angry dudes they are.

a woman is always to blame antifeminism domestic violence empathy deficit entitled babies incoherent rage men created civilization men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny women's jobs aren't real

Women are worse than Nazis, should be tried at Nuremberg, MGTOW “revolutionary” declares

Women: A bunch of Nazis who still need male help LOL?

It’s time for another visit to The Comments I Don’t Let Through, my ongoing series in which I post, well, comments that are too extreme to just let through the moderation filter, but that, holy crap, I can’t really keep to myself.

antifeminism consent is hard dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about empathy deficit entitled babies mansplaining men created civilization men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains jokes post contains sarcasm PUA rape rape culture red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Professor Douchecanoe manosphere-splains feminism to coeds

Professor Douchecanoe will see you now

One of the strange superpowers of the modern Manosphere intellectual is the ability to pontificate endlessly, and with utmost confidence, on a subject — feminism — that they know absolutely nothing about. You could even say they know less than nothing about it, in that the few things they do think they know about it are completely and utterly wrong.

4chan alpha males alt-right antifeminism attention seeking gender policing irony alert men created civilization men invented everything milo misogyny oppressed men pandering transphobia trump we hunted the mammoth

Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos, seeking to offend, tells women to get off the internet

Milo, desperately in need of attention again
Milo, desperately in need of attention again

Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos is less a journalist than a professional attention-seeker, building up his notoriety (and his Twitter followers) though an endless series of calculated outrages designed to delight his fanbase of garbage people while offending pretty much everyone else in the world. But even he seems to have gotten bored with this increasingly stale schtick.

a woman is always to blame antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil human females female beep boop men created civilization men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny playing the victim reddit ridiculous baby men TROOOOLLLL?

MGTOW: Women “have to be harnessed like mules” to prevent the collapse of civilization

Famous actor name of Brad Pit
Famous actor name of Brad Pit

Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the MGTOWs are MGTOWing it up like nobody’s business, trying to get to the bottom of what is perhaps the essential question of our age: When will mom bring down the pizza rolls?

dozens of upvotes dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about empathy deficit entitled babies grandiosity kitties men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains jokes post contains sarcasm PUA reactionary bullshit red pill reddit self-congratulation we hunted the mammoth

“Without men, our species returns to the muck,” dude sitting on his ass posting to Reddit declares

Man building civilization, in his basement
Man building civilization, in his basement

There’s some classic we-hunted-the-mammoth-ing going on in the Red Pill subreddit today, with some dude calling himself HumanSockPuppet reminding his fellow dudes of all the fine work done by the dudes of the species over the years, with regard to raising civilization from the muck, holding back chaos, that sort of thing.