I learn so many things by reading Reddit on the regular. Here are a few historical insights I picked up on the Antifeminist subreddit today.
I learn so many things by reading Reddit on the regular. Here are a few historical insights I picked up on the Antifeminist subreddit today.
I haven’t done a sexbot post in a while, but you can rest assured that the MRAs and antifeminists are still obsessed with the idea of making women obsolete with new technologies, in particular new technologies that have titties and can fuck.
Today is the second day of Women’s History Month. Which means it’s time for the men of the Men’s Rights subreddit to start whining that there’s no Men’s History Month.
The MGTOWs are trying their hand at history again. Only this time they aren’t telling stories about brave cavemen taking down huge mammoths to feed their lazy-ass cavewives. This time they’re suggesting that women’s rights are somehow incompatable with civilization itself.
By David Futrelle
Racist YouTube “philosopher” and self-described Men’s Rights Activist Stefan Molyneux is saying the quiet part loud again. I guess that’s kind of his thing now.
By David Futrelle
Browsing the Jordan Peterson subreddit today, I scrolled past the link to an article on a right-wing clickbait site asserting that “Hate Crime Hoaxes are More Common than You Think.”
By David Futrelle
Janice Fiamengo, an English professor at the University of Ottawa, is one of Canada’s most famous, or perhaps infamous, Men’s Rights Activists, getting her (terrible) message out in innumerable YouTube videos, speeches on college campuses and at conferences organized by A Voice for Men, and at one point as a guest on a white nationalist podcast called Radio 3Fourteen, on which she suggested that white men are “living under … a feminist version of sharia law.”
It’s PLEDGE DRIVE again! WHTM is now ad free and entirely dependent on folks like you for its continued existence. If you can afford it, please DONATE HERE NOW! Thanks!
By David Futrelle
With another month-long-week coming to a close, I thought I would take a few moments to share with you some of the feedback I get from, well, let’s just say these guys aren’t exactly fans.
By David Futrelle
Here’s a little lesson in vaginanonmics from a Man Going His Own Way who might, I suspect, be a little bit hungry.
By David Futrelle
Today (March 8th) is International Women’s Day, also known as International “Men Being Dicks About International Women’s Day” Day — and few men are celebrating that second holiday more enthusiastically than Reddit’s contingent of Men Going Their Own Way.