I found this little screenshot posted in the Antifeminists subrreddit, and I sort of love that the ultimate putdown for women they can think of is “they share generic memes.”
I found this little screenshot posted in the Antifeminists subrreddit, and I sort of love that the ultimate putdown for women they can think of is “they share generic memes.”
I don’t know quite how they do it, but every time I take a peek into the ProMaleMemes subreddit I find yet more examples of memes that break every rule of meme-making, and then some.
Today, a brief tour of the Pro-Male memes subreddit, a tiny spinoff of the also tiny ProMaleCollective subreddit, and home to a dissident faction of Men’s RIghtsers that has declared war not only on traditional lMRA targets like feminists but also on most MRAs, whom the Pro-Male dismiss as a bunch of tradcons (traditional conservatives) who don’t hate feminism as much as the Pro-Malers think they should.
But the Pro-Malers share one thing in common with the MRAs they so often target with their memes: they are absolutely terrible at making memes.
ProMaleMemes, with its 148 subscribers, is not the most popular of the Men’s Rightsy subreddits. It’s not just unpopular compared with the original Men’s Rights subreddit, with its 319,488 subscribers; it’s even a bit of a laggard compared with the subreddit that spawned it, the also-highly-unpopular ProMaleCollective subreddit, with its 4608 subscribers.
There’s a lot going on in these three similarly formatted memes, all of it bad. This is how too many incels see the world.
Rooting around amongst antifeminist memes yesterday I found a cartoon that threw me for a loop — a macabre vision of body horror disguised as a cute cartoon. At first you just notice that it’s a cartoon of a happy young woman on a bike — then, perhaps only microseconds later, you glance down and YAAGGHH WHAT IS THAT WHAT THE FUCK WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS LEGS!?!!
Design-wise, memes aren’t exactly complicated. For the most part they simply consist of an image with some words pasted onto it.
Do you remember when alt-rightsters wouldn’t shut up about “white genocide,” the alleged plot by our hidden (((puppetmasters))) to get rid of the white race by convincing people of color and white people to have biracial babies together? By their logic, anything that encouraged mixed marriages/relationships, from multiracial underwear ads to mixed-race emojis to anal porn, was an act of genocide against the white race.
One thing you can say about manosphere meme-makers: despite years of practice, they never seem to get any better at it. Consider the following memes I collected today from an assortment of places from Pinterest to Twitter.
With a title like “The true reason why women HATE RAPE” you know it’s going to be just awful, but somehow the rest of the meme manages to be worse than my lowest expectations.