a voice for men a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence all about the menz antifeminism boner rage domestic violence empathy deficit evil sexy ladies evil wives excusing abuse imaginary oppression irony alert marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA nice guys patriarchy playing the victim rape rape culture

A Voice for Men writer laments: "Since the advent of ‘marital rape,’ sex is no longer a loving duty, so it has become whim and weapon."

Caution: RIng does not transform "no" into "yes."
Caution: Ring does not transform “no” into “yes.”

Has A Voice for Men just declared itself in favor of marital rape?

In the midst of a long and otherwise fairly tedious piece complaining about wives asking their husbands to do their fair share of the chores, Clint Carpentier offers some rather startling thoughts on marital rape laws, and how he thinks they help to make marriage a losing proposition for modern men.

In the good old days, he writes, “sex was a wifely duty she was obligated to provide as per the terms of marriage.” But “since the advent of ‘marital rape,’ sex [in marriage] is no longer a loving duty, so it has become whim and weapon … .”

Yep. Apparently “being raped by your husband” is really just a way to fulfill your “loving duty” as a wife.

So, Carpentier concludes, if wives demand that you do the chores around the house, and you can’t rape them at will, what’s the point of even having one in the first place? After all, he argues, in an age of washing machines and readymade meals chores are easy, and men can get “once per day of blasé sex” from “any street-hooker” or splurge on “mind-blowing sex once a week [from] a well trained call-girl.”

And so, he writes,

If women are demanding that their husbands do their “fair share” of the chores, then why do men need wives at all? In man’s attempt to make their wives lives easier, they have reduced the wifely duties to next to non-existent. Why, women? Why oh why would you drive those final coffin nails of obsolescence in? Aside from children, there’s no benefit left to having a wife.

Well, if the only “benefits” you can see in having a wife are someone who will do the cooking and cleaning and whom you can rape at will, then, no, there is no benefit to you in having a wife now that marital rape is illegal. And there is certianly no benefit to any woman in marrying or dating or possibly even being in the same room as you.

Where have all the good men gone? Well… where have all the good women gone?

That’s right: A man who considers marital rape to be a husband’s right honestly thinks that he’s one of the good ones.

AVFM’s Paul Elam loves to rail against the evils of traditionalism and chivalry. Interesting that marital rape is one element of traditionalism he apparently has no problem with.

a woman is always to blame evil old ladies evil sexy ladies evil women marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men patriarchy playing the victim reactionary bullshit

Dalrock on why men should avoid women who’ve wasted “a lot of courtship” and “used up their most attractive/fertile years.”

Woman with surplus courtship
Woman with surplus courtship

Dalrock, a manosphere traditionalist with a great love of charts and statistics and other accoutrements of SCIENCE, has managed to figure out a way to stretch “don’t be so picky, ladies, or you’ll get old and ugly and no man will ever want you” out to 1500 words.

Here are a few of them:

alpha males antifeminism beta males boner rage dozens of upvotes evil single moms evil women evo psych fairy tales female beep boop grandiosity irony alert it's science! marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny only men pay taxes apparently oppressed men oppressed white men playing the victim PUA racism rape culture red pill reddit straw feminists things that aren't rape thug-lovers

Red Pill Dudes: Marriage is worse than rape, but the feminist attack on marriage is even worser

Barley: The ultimate feminist weapon?
Barley: The ultimate feminist weapon?

So the uber-manly woman-hating woman-chasing alpha dogs over in the Red Pill subreddit are discussing the declining marriage rate. Which is a GOOD thing. Because marriage is for BETAs and FRUMPY WOMEN! It’s worse than RAPE!

Marriage is RAPE - so if marriage goes down, then it's a good thing.      permalink     source     give gold     save     hide child comments  [–]Max___Power 49 points 1 day ago (64|15)  No, it's worse. Marriage is institutionally promoted to men as a positive. If I ever took a contract to my lawyer where the other party could opt out at any time AND take 50% of MY shit with them, he'd chase me out of his office and yell at me to find a hobby. Yet men willingly purchase $30,000 flawed rocks for the privilege of asking a frumpy woman to sign such a contract. LO freaking L, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Huh. If any of these Red Pill dudes were to get married I’m pretty sure it would be be a completely, you know, consensual act on their part. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t rape a, you know, nonconsensual thing? (Reading the Red Pill subreddit, it’s sometimes hard to remember.)

At this point a fellow calling himself TheZimmerMan throws in his two cents on the subject. Like his fellow Red Pill alpha dudes, he’s no fan of marriage. But then he  remembers that feminists are supposedly plotting to take down western civilization by destroying marriage.  And feminists are bad, right? And so his brain sort of explodes, producing this wondrous bit of red pill word salad, sprinkled liberally with racism as well as misogyny:

TheZimmerMan 11 points 22 hours ago (21|10)  Society pressures men and women are fed that they need it since they are old enough to Disney. It is good that men are not allowing themselves to be victimized in this fashion, but remember that the dissolvation of the nuclear family was a feminist goal from day one. They want every one to be forced into a martiarchical structure by removing the father figure just like socially engineered anti-intellectualism and thug culture has influenced black families nationwide. They want everyone to be on welfare barley subsiding as the actual working men shoulder the burden by paying lifetime alimony, crippling child support, excessive taxes for entitlements, and other state enforced wealth transfers while being denied traditional provider respect and benefits. This is a mere segment of their war against everything it means to be a man as they seek social enslavement, state enforced burdens, and general malice towards our kind.  Thank God for red pill wisdom of female biological imperatives and alphaism allowing men to still retain personal control over our lives, it is the only thing confronting this madness of the ultimate shit test against the human race.

Wow.  Just wow.

I’ve never seen “Disney” used as a verb before.

Also, I’m not exactly sure what “they want everyone to be on welfare barley subsiding” means. Unless the government has started up some sort of barley redistribution system I can only assume he meant “barely subsisting.”

I also like the complaint about how the “actual working man” pays for all these evil welfare moms while “being denied traditional provider respect and benefits.”

In misogynist-speak, that’s code for “how come we have to pay money for welfare when we don’t even get to fuck the welfare moms and boss them around?”

Red Pill dudes: please continue your marriage strike. Also consider: A vow of silence? Moving to a desert island? Living the rest of your life in a hole in the ground?

(Thanks to Gemma_Lou in the Blue Pill subreddit for pointing me to this wondrous Red Pill discussion.)

all about the menz antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? artificial wombs hypocrisy imaginary oppression irony alert man boobz fun time videos marriage strike men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim pussy pass reactionary bullshit straw feminists whaaaaa? woman's suffrage women in combat

Men’s Rights Manifesto: Solve all of our gender problems by segregating men and women at school and work!

Roxy Music's Manifesto: Far superior to the Men's Rights version
Roxy Music’s Manifesto: Far superior to the Men’s Rights version

What do Men’s Rights Activists want? Based on what they actually do, it’s seems pretty clear that many of them want little more than the right to pester women with endless cries of “what about the menz?” But from time to time MRAs will step forward with little bullet-pointed manifestos presenting their grievances — and their goals — to the world.

So today let’s look at one of these little manifestos, from an MRA calling himself TzeTze Anopheles. It’s pretty revealing. And stupid. But that goes without saying.

alpha males antifeminism crackpottery drama evil sexy ladies evil single moms gullibility irony alert ladies against women marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny PUA red pill women rhymes with roosh the c-word

Mark Minter’s Matrimonial Manosphere Meltdown, Part Two

Hell hath no fury like the manosphere scorned
Hell hath no fury like the manosphere scorned

Today is Day 3 of the Man Boobz Pledge Drive. If you haven’t already, please consider clicking the little button below and sending some bucks my way.

Thanks! (And thanks again to all who’ve already donated.) Now back to our regularly scheduled programming:

The news of misogynistic marriage-hater Mark Minter’s upcoming nuptials has been ricocheting around the manosphere for about a week now. In my previous post on the subject, I looked at the manosphere’s initial reaction to this startling — and for many, disillusioning — development. Today, a followup, looking at how the manosphere has begun to adjust to the idea of a married Minty.

alpha males antifeminism drama evil sexy ladies facepalm heartiste infighting irony alert ladies against women marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy PUA racism red pill red pill women rhymes with roosh

Is Mark Minter, Misogynistic Marriage Mocker, Really Getting Married?


Mark Minter, a bitter, angry, divorced man in his late fifties, made a name for himself over the last year or so in the tiny world of the misogynist manosphere as that subculture’s most vociferous opponent of marriage.

In a series of little manifestos, deposited as comments on various manosphere blogs, Minter excoriated the institution he thought made a “slave” of men. “Get it through your head,” he wrote in one,

Men are from mars; women are FUCKING IDIOTS.

Never marry. … Duh. Game. Duh. Pump them, dump them, next them. Duh. THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO WIN. Duh!!!!!

That was the old Mark Minter. Then, last week, word got out that Minty was getting married. To a single mother (oh no!) over the age of thirty (eek!) that he’s apparently never even met in person (well, actually that does sound a bit worrisome).

antifeminism crackpottery drama kings imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression kitties manginas marriage strike matriarchy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men PUA rhymes with roosh western women suck

Mark Minter takes on Marriage, Mangina Manservants and America’s Matriarchal Infrastructure

Mark Minter's worst nightmare
Mark Minter’s worst nightmare

Today I’m feeling lazy, so I’m just going to pass along some thoughts from Mark Minter, a fellow best known, insofar as he is known, for leaving melodramatic manospherian manifestos – look, three “m’s” in a row! — in other people’s comments sections. I’ve written about him before twice! — and he’s recently returned to his old habit of leaving his droppings in the comments here.

$MONEY$ antifeminism dozens of upvotes hypergamy I'm totally being sarcastic marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men reddit

MRAs on love and marriage: “There is nothing wrong with wanting something beautiful that puts out.”

Vampire brides will steal your lifeblood
Vampire brides will steal your lifeblood

In not-quite spring, a young MRA’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love, and how women are all a bunch of moneygrubbing whores that get uglier and uglier as they get older.

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, discussions of marriage are busting out all over, like the buds of new spring flowers or the skidmarks in an MRA’s underpants. The fellows are not too keen on this whole marriage thing, which is an obvious female trick to rob men of their money and sperm and tie them to rapidly depreciating assets (women) who are only going to get uglier as time goes by.

In one thread, a fellow named wrez shares these thoughts, to much acclaim (or at least a few dozen upvotes):


In another, a fellow named rathum2323 suggests that any women interested in marriage is clearly up to something nefarious.


All that said, I am pleased that Reddit MRAs are managing to convince their friends not to marry. Because if you’re someone who turns to MRAs for marriage advice, it’s probably best for all concerned that you never marry anyone or anything.

a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? crackpottery creepy facepalm grandiosity gullibility irony alert marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles penises precious bodily fluids princesses PUA radfems oh my sex sexy robot ladies shit that never happened the sound of his own voice ugly feminists vaginas whores

Imaginary feminists! Don’t destroy “Ian Ironwood’s” sexbot utopia!

Even the Bionic Woman had trouble with fembots.
Even the Bionic Woman had trouble with fembots.

Yesterday we looked at far-right manospheran clod/philosopher Vox Day’s melodramatic response to a Canadian sexbot ban that’s completely imaginary (but that Vox, natch, believed was real). Today, let’s look at an almost 3000-word post by one “Ian Ironwood” of the Red Pill Room, spelling out the dire implications of this imaginary legislation.

ProTip: Before writing 3000-word screeds denouncing something, spend 5 minutes with Teh Google to see if what you’re denouncing is in fact real.

antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? armageddon evil women incoherent rage marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men sex

The Asshole Monologues: Glori-US Bastard tells “feminist, American Woman, and White Knights” what’s what

I know I’ve asked this before, but what exactly leads so many MRAs and PUAs and so forth to monologue like mad scientists and/or comic book supervillains? In the past, I’ve noted this in the writings of “Ferdnand Bardamu” of the late, lamentable In Mala Fide. But this sort of thing is everywhere. It’s amazing how many manosphere manifestos seem to be leading up to a malevolent “muahahaha! And now I will have my revenge!”

The MRA who calls himself Glori-US Bastard provides us with a convenient recent example in a post with the somewhat baffling title “Dear feminist, American Woman, and White Knights-a message from those who no longer desire you.”