bad anatomy mansplaining misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles that's completely wrong vaginas very bad advice

WARNING for water-drinking cervix-havers (and cervix-having water-drinkers) but not for water-drinking cervixes

Remember to check BOTH of your cervixes!

On this lazy Saturday I’m gathering together a little collection of mansplainations I found catalogued on Reddit.

First, a public service announcement for uterus-having water-drinkers. Be careful out there!

disinformation dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about mansplaining misogyny vaginas

The Vaginal Misinformation Squad is out in full force

This is an actual stock photo, listed under “vagina.” I didn’t add the, er, sauce.

Vaginas can be a bit confusing, for those who don’t have them and even for some who do. That doesn’t stop some of the most confused men from confidently offering up their dubious wisdom on the subject, often in online conversations with actual vagina-havers. Call it Vaginasplaining.

mansplaining misogyny MRA reddit

Men’s Rights man mansplains mansplaining


I saw this in the Men’s RIghts subreddit the other day and I almost wept with joy. Because here, in the wild, was a man mansplaining feminists.

antifeminism dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect mansplaining MGTOW misogyny

Is The Handmaid’s Tale a parable about “the folly of the liberated woman?” One MGTOW says “yes.”

What the fuck are you talking about, MGTOW?

Margaret Atwood has a unusual new fan — a commenter on the MGTOW2 subreddit who thinks that The Handmaid’s Tale is (unbeknownst to even Atwood herself) not a dystopian vision of a patriarchal theocracy but rather a sort of Red Pill parable on “the folly of the liberated woman.”

mansplaining misogyny NoFap precious bodily fluids

Reddit NoFappers explain why women are like bees

So the guys over in the Semen Retention subreddit — a more hardcore spinoff of the larger NoFap subreddit — are discussing the mysteries of female nature, as weirdo misogynists are wont to do. Specifically, the guys are trying to explain to one another why men often seem socially awkward, while women seem like naturals who can easily get along with anyone.

baby men bad anatomy empathy deficit entitled babies gamergate mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

We Hunted the Mammoth Greatest Hits of 2019: Year of the Vulva

By David Futrelle

I suppose I’m a day late with this one, but I thought I’d take a look back at some of the most popular posts on We Hunted the Mammoth over the last year. SO let’s take a little trip down memory lane and remember 2019: The Year of the Vulva.

Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit women can't logic

Women literally get headaches when they think too hard, complete dumbass explains

Writing this post gave me a headache

By David Futrelle

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for some BAD SCENCE from the manosphere.

a new woman to hate empathy deficit entitled babies evil sex-rejecting ladies gloating irony alert mansplaining men who should not ever be with sexbots ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny rape culture reddit sex dolls

He suddenly came home with a sex doll: Redditors gloat over a “concerned wife’s” incredibly fishy tale of woe

By David Futrelle

Yesterday, a brand new Redditor calling herself (himself?) concernedwife123 posted her (his?) tale of woe in an assortment of subreddits — looking, allegedly, for some advice. The alleged woman explained how she had allegedly lost her alleged husband to an alleged sex doll with “huge tits and a round ass with very human like skin.” But she (allegedly) felt she couldn’t really complain, because she had been mostly turning him down for sex for months. She (allegedly) felt awful.

abortion Dunning–Kruger effect entitled babies mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny Uncategorized

Meet the man who mansplained The Handmaid’s Tale … to Margaret Atwood

Elisabeth Moss in The Handmaid’s Tale

By David Futrelle

With the right slowly but surely winning its war on the right to abortion, in both legal and practical terms, you might expect Margaret Atwood — you know, the author of the Handmaid’s Tale, the dystopian novel about an oppressively patriarchal state that’s been turned into a really very depressing Hulu series — to be feeling more than a little angry about the state of women’s rights in the US today.

'bating bad anatomy cringe entitled babies facepalm female beep boop irony alert mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

Female orgasm is a myth, proclaims man who’s never given a woman an orgasm

Clitemis , Goddess of Vibrators, would disagree

By David Futrelle

Today, a brief visit to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, where men who claim they’ve given up women — and don’t even think about them any more — spend all day every day talking about women. This time, they’re talking about female orgasm, which according to them doesn’t exist.