a voice for men lying liars MRA red pill

Is “Red Pill” director Cassie Jaye’s Cannes award a fake? Signs point to “yes.”

Seems legit
Seems legit

If you look at Cassie Jaye’s official bios, you might be forgiven for thinking that the director of the upcoming Red Pill documentary had won an impressive “best documentary” prize at Cannes for her first feature-length film.

#gamergate a voice for men empathy deficit entitled babies harassment lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam red pill twitter

A self-described harasser and abuser of feminists is accusing me of threatening Cassie Jaye

 Jack Barnes, "who describes himself as a "Proud MRA, Proud Anti-Feminist, GamerGate Supporter, Contributor to"
Jack Barnes, who describes himself as a “Proud MRA, Proud Anti-Feminist, GamerGate Supporter, Contributor to”

Earlier today Jack Barnes, one of A Voice for Men’s most energetic attack dogs, popped into my Twitter mentions with a link to an AVFM post accusing me of … threatening Cassie Jaye, director of the upcoming documentary The Red Pill, in the open letter I wrote to her the other day.

The post, written by Jack Barnes with assistance from AVFM head boy Paul Elam, was filled with the incisive writing and clear thinking we have come to expect from that site. A sampling:

Dean Esmay lying liars MRA YouTube

Dean Esmay’s wild accusations

Modified from Laughing Witch's YouTube avatar
Modified from Laughing Witch’s YouTube avatar

I would rather not return so quickly to documenting Dean Esmay’s ongoing internet flameout, but I feel I need to.

Esmay, as readers of this blog know all too well, has a habit of calling those who disagree with him “abusive” and/or “abusers.” He did this in the brief Twitter exchange with Raquel Willis I wrote about yesterday after she politely pointed out his white male privilege (and after he called her both a “privileged black girl” and a “rich privileged bitch”).

But in the case of one of Esmay’s recent targets, he’s gone beyond accusations of metaphorical abuse, declaring that the feminist YouTuber who calls herself Laughing Witch is a “violent” pedophile he knew “years ago … who liked to masturbate to violent fantasies involving children.”

antifeminism crackpottery Dean Esmay drama kings dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about infighting lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy paranoia pig-biting mad playing the victim post contains jokes straw futrelle

Spittin’ Mad: Dean Esmay warns MGTOW enemy “my saliva and snot will be on [your] face.”

Seriously. Spitting is disgusting.

Oh, how the not-so mighty have fallen! Former A Voice for Menner Dean Esmay’s weird public meltdown continues. Soon, I worry, he’ll be reduced to little more than a puddle of rage and spittle.  And while that is a somewhat ungainly metaphor, I mean the part about spittle literally.

Yesterday, we looked at his bizarrely over-the-top rant against MGTOWs (Men (Supposedly) Going Their Own Way) who don’t think that married men should be considered part of the MGTOW community. Esmay, who has describes himself as a “married MGTOW,” declares that this is an “indefensible” position that “just might get you imprisoned or killed.” No, really.

alpha males antifeminism dozens of upvotes drama kings entitled babies evil old women imaginary oppression lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill reddit would not bang

Uh Oh 7: Fictional spy dude to be paired with woman his own age; Redpillers declare end of cinema

Daniel Craig in the clutches of hideous monster hag Monica Belluci
Daniel Craig in the clutches of hideous monster hag Monica Bellucci

Antifeminist douchenozzles regularly mock feminists for caring about so-called “first world problems” like “manspreading” and rape and systematic gender discrimination. Unlike those trivia-obsessed feminists, those who’ve taken the Red Pill only concern themselves with momentous questions, like the age of a certain fictional spy dude’s onscreen paramour.

On the Red Pill subreddit, the regulars are up in arms over the news that in the upcoming James Bond film Spectre, the main “Bond Girl” will be a woman more or less Bond’s own age, rather than half of it: current Bond Boy Daniel Craig, 47, will be playing opposite 50-year-old hag lady Monica Bellucci.

a voice for men antifeminism Dean Esmay douchebaggery doxing drama kings entitled babies evil SJWs gross incompetence harassment lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability paul elam red pill twitter

“Better hope there is [sic] no skeletons in your closet,” Paul Elam warns those who allegedly lie about MRAs. “Playtime is over.”

That guy looks familiar
That guy looks familiar

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! Please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!

So earlier today, A Voice for Men’s head honcho, the neither lovely nor talented Paul Elam, threatened “yellow journalists” who allegedly lie about his so-called Men’s Human Rights Movement with, well, something pretty dire-sounding. I just can’t tell you exactly what.

[UPDATE: An archived version of Elam’s deleted post has been found; see here for a post on what it contains.] 

In an angry and ungrammatical tweet (archived here), Elam warned:

#gamergate anti-Semitism antifeminism creepy douchebaggery dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies harassment literal nazis lying liars misogyny straw feminists straw futrelle

Fan mail, from some white supremacist

Me writing this blog (Reenactment).
Me writing this blog (Reenactment).

As the guy behind a long-running blog devoted to, as my tagline notes, tracking and mocking some of the worst pieces of crap on the internet, I’ve come to expect a good deal of criticism from the aforementioned worst pieces of crap on the internet.

What still surprises me is that they almost never criticize me for anything I’ve actually said or done. Instead, they attack my weight and my fondness for cats. And then, evidently having run out of true things to say about me, they move on to attacking me for things they’ve conjured up in their own brain about me, most of which bear little or no resemblance to the truth.

a voice for men allegedly false accusations antifeminism drama entitled babies judgybitch lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam rape rape culture schadenfreude

What happened when A Voice for Men’s News Director tried to publish an anti-Cosby post on that terrible site

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's all true, you piece of shit.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s all true, you piece of shit.

A Voice for Men, the World’s Greatest Grandpa of Men’s Rights sites, prides itself on the intellectual and political diversity of its writers.

The site has published articles by Holocaust-denying marital-rape advocates — and from dudes who think that the Holocaust happened and that marital rape shouldn’t happen. It has published articles lauding the rape legalization proponent and “pickup artist” Roosh V as a deep thinker” deserving nothing but respect — and articles denouncing him and other PUAs as excessively chivalrous flatterers engaging in “a scripted game of women-worship.” AVFM publishes articles attacking “bitches” alongside articles dissing “whores.”

What they won’t publish? Articles suggesting that Bill Cosby probably is guilty of some or all of the rapes he’s been accused of.

4chan antifeminism imaginary russian friends lying liars misogyny post contains sarcasm straw feminists TROOOLLLL!! twitter

Tweets from totally real feminists supporting FEMCON2015, a totally real conference and not a 4chan scam

Seems legit
Seems legit

So over the weekend some enterprising 4channer decided to try to create some mayhem and make a few quick bucks by concocting a fake feminist conference, and selling tickets to it.

He — I’m pretty sure it was a he — headed to /b/ to round up some accomplices.

4chan anti-Semitism antifeminism attention seeking dark enlightenment douchebaggery drama kings entitled babies evil SJWs internecine warfare irony alert literal nazis lying liars men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men post contains sarcasm racism red pill return of kings slacktivism sockpuppetry straw feminists transphobia

Internet Nazis plan to take down SJWs by pretending to be “Mexican trannies” on Tumblr. If they can stop fighting each other first.

Some websites are born great; others have to buy a mug for themselves
Some websites are born great; others have to buy a mug for themselves

The folks over on the Daily Stormer — winner of the prestigious “World’s Greatest Nazi Poop Site” award (and coffee cup) — are cackling with glee over what they see as “The Coming SJW Civil War.”

It seems that site Führer Andrew Anglin has noticed that the grand coalition of the so-called SJWs is made up of a number of different groups that (surprise surprise) have different interests and different ideas about things. Indeed, Anglin has convinced himself that all the different groups that make up the “SJW movement” actually hate each other with a passion and only stick together because they all hate “the White heterosexual male” even more.