/pol/ #gamergate 4chan anti-Semitism cuck entitled babies evil SJWs homophobia literal nazis mass murder is good actually men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW racism reddit white supremacy YouTube

Is “Bird Box” a secret SJW assault on able-bodied straight white men? A bunch of racist dinguses say “yes”

Sandra Bullock: Race traitor?

By David Futrelle

Is Netflix’s Bird Box — set in a world in which the only way to defeat evil is to literally never look at it — just a post-apocalyptic horror flick with a premise that’s equal parts terrifying and ridiculous? A sort of mashup of A Quiet Place and The Happening that’s nowhere near as compelling as the former but still a decided improvement over the latter?

"ethics" /pol/ #gamergate 4chan alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism domestic violence empathy deficit entitled babies homophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny playing the victim reddit

“MrDeadMoth Did Nothing Wrong!” Nazis, toxic gamers defend “Fortnite” streamer caught on video allegedly beating his wife

Luke James Munday, a.k.a MrDeadMoth

By David Futrelle

On Sunday, the Australian “Fortnite” streamer known as MrDeadMoth was arrested after inadvertently broadcasting an argument with his wife that ended with him — just off camera — allegedly hitting her in the face while one of their children screamed in the background.

'bating alt-right dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about evil sexy ladies literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny NoFap precious bodily fluids pron reddit

Feminists push porn to make men weak through excessive masturbation, NoFap conspiracy theorist explains

He used to be an alpha dog. Them he got addicted to porn

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By David Futrelle

NoFappers — they call themselves fapstronauts — give up masturbating to porn because they’ve convinced themselves that it drains them of their “life force” and makes them lethargic and dull-witted.

a woman is always to blame alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism daily stormer empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies evil sex-having women evil sex-rejecting ladies hypocrisy incels jordan "slappy" peterson literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture

The Daily Stormer calls for “corrective rape” because women on Tinder are too picky

Swipe left

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By David Futrelle

So there are a couple of videos up on YouTube that simulate what it would be like if you were to encounter all of your Tinder dating matches in real life instead of on your phone’s tiny screen.

alt-right cuck cuckolding entitled babies hypocrisy irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy racism reddit transphobia white genocide

Redditor: There’s a plot to eliminate the white race, which I know about because my girlfriend left me for a black guy

Each night I ask the stars up above, why must I be a racist in love?

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By David Futrelle

It’s not hard to see the sexual insecurities lurking not-so-far beneath the far-right obsession with the ludicrous notion of “white genocide” — the idea that whites in western countries are in danger of being “replaced” by black and brown people through immigration, interracial marriages and “outbreeding.”

a voice for men alt-right cassie jaye chris cantwell empathy deficit entitled babies GirlWritesWhat literal nazis male supremacy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny paul elam playing the victim racism Stefan Molyneux warren farrell white supremacy

Stefan Molyneux, Men’s Rights icon, straight up embraces white supremacism (though he won’t quite admit it)

Stefan Molyneux wants you to “aspire to admire” white men

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By David Futrelle

It’s been clear for some time that YouTube philosopher-thing Stefan Molyneux is a huge racist. But until recently, he’s tried to be a little bit coy about it.

alt-right Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies heartiste irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever pro-genocide PUA racism TROOOLLLL!!

Galaxy brained racist PUA: If we convince libs that cold weather = white supremacy, they’ll have to support global warming

Is Santa Claus a secret Nazi?

It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time again! WHTM is ad free and entirely dependent on folks like you for its continued existence. If you can afford it, please DONATE HERE NOW! Thanks!

By David Futrelle

Ok, so you know how there are lots of white people in northern Europe? And, like, Canada? What if a bunch of far-right shitlords were able to convince the media that cold weather was a white thing? Then the libs would have to support global warming!

actual genocide alt-right anti-Semitism conspiracy theory crackpottery crank magnetism daily stormer empathy deficit hate speech have you no humanity literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism

The Daily Stormer is afraid of witches, and wants to bring back the Burning Times

This is literally what the Daily Stormer wants

By David Futrelle

The neo-Nazi internet tabloid The Daily Stormer is now declaring war on witches, and wants to bring back “the burning times.”

4chan 8chan alt-lite alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism crank magnetism daily stormer literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny racism rape rape culture reddit white genocide white supremacy

MGTOWs are channeling the alt-right again, accusing women voters of ushering in “the Great Replacement”

MGTOWs are increasingly echoing alt-right arguments about women

By David Futrelle

The alt-rightification of the Men Going Their Own Way movement continues apace, with Reddit MGTOWs echoing racist alt-right talking points to argue, as many MGTOWs long have, that women should never have been given the right to vote.

#metoo actual activism allegedly false accusations alt-right AntiFa domestic violence hate speech literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape rape culture sexual abuse sexual assault

Far-right groups involved in today’s #HimToo rally in Portland are full of men charged with domestic violence and sexual assault

The paper trail

By David Futrelle

Today in Portland, members of far-right street gang Patriot Prayer and assorted other brawlers on the fascist right are rallying around the banner of #HimToo, a trollish antifeminist response to the #MeToo movement suggesting that many rape accusations are simply false.