#gamergate anti-Semitism ironic nazis literal nazis racism

Cupcakes for Hitler: Internet Nazis rally around embattled teenage Führer-lover Evalion

Yes, she really did bake cupcakes for Hitler
Yes, she really did bake cupcakes for Hitler

If you’re looking for more evidence that truth is indeed stranger than fiction (excluding, of course, the fiction of Chuck Tingle), consider the case of the now-banned Youtuber Evalion, a teenaged Hitler enthusiast with a disconcertingly young-sounding voice who made videos praising the Führer for, among other things, his love of dogs. On his birthday, she baked the dead German leader swastika cupcakes and sang “happy birthday” to a picture of him she tacked on the wall.

"ethics" #gamergate alt-right crackpottery doubling down entitled babies evil SJWs hate speech irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever oppressed white men racism

Sargon of Akkad: Proud to be endorsed by the fascistic thugs of the English Defence League

Not the sort of endorsement most people would be proud of
Not the sort of endorsement most people would be proud of

Here’s a tricky little etiquette question for our age: What does one do when one finds oneself with admirers who are, well, perhaps just a teensy bit fascist?

alt-right anti-Semitism harassment ironic nazis literal nazis racism

Memeday: Daily Stormer trolls attack Jewish journalist critical of Melania Trump

Trump fans offer a sophisticated critique of the work of journalist Julia Ioffe
Trump fans offer a sophisticated critique of the work of journalist Julia Ioffe

Julia Ioffe is a political journalist, a regular contributor to Politico and a columnist at Foreign Policy. Last week, GQ published a lengthy profile of Melania Trump by Ioffe, revealing some details of her life that the wife of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee would have probably preferred to have left unrevealed.

Did I mention that Ioffe is Jewish?

4chan 8chan alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism cuck entitled babies homophobia ironic nazis literal nazis racism rape jokes twitter

Trumplords celebrate the Donald’s big victory by yelling about “cucks” on Twitter

Trump celebrates his win
Trump celebrates his win

With Trump now the inevitable Republican nominee, in the wake of his big victory in Indiana, the Anime Nazis and sh*tlords and Milo Yiannopoulos fanboys who are some of Trump’s biggest supporters have taken to Twitter to … yell about cucks.

antifeminism antifeminist women FemRAs harassment hate speech irony alert judgybitch literal nazis misogynoir misogyny MRA racism threats trump twitter

Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie, banned from Twitter for abuse, insists: I meant to do that!

Andrea Hardie: Definitely not "Becky with the good hair."
Andrea Hardie: Definitely not “Becky with the good hair.”

Last week, semi-professional internet instigator Andrea Hardie treated the world to a rather spectacular Twitter flameout, in which she hurled racist abuse against Beyonce’s allegedly “feral” and “animalistic” fans, and threatened to murder several of them, telling one that “I would love to bolt your ugly face to the roof of my car.”

alt-right andrea hardie doxing empathy deficit entitled babies FemRAs hate hate speech homophobia hypocrisy irony alert Islamophobia judgybitch literal nazis misogyny MRA racism threats

Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie attacks Beyonce fans as “feral animals,” threatens murder

Andrea Hardie attempts blackface
Andrea Hardie attempts blackface. No, really. This literally is her attempt at blackface.

Not-so-nice white lady Andrea Hardie — perhaps better known on the internet as Janet Bloomfield and/or JudgyBitch — is still ostensibly the Social Media Director of the fading Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men.

#gamergate antifeminism antifeminist women evil SJWs irony alert literal nazis misandry misogyny MRA post contains jokes YouTube

Sargon of Akkad launches petition to save free speech by censoring SJW professors

Remain alert! Even white dude professors can be secret SJWs
Remain alert! Even white dude professors can be secret SJWs

When a college feminist decided, one cold night in 2014, to burn her personal copy of pseudofeminist Christina Hoff Sommers’ book The War Against Boys, the internet’s antifeminists responded as if Hitler himself had risen from the grave.

$MONEY$ cuck cultural marxism entitled babies evil black women evil ugly women ironic nazis irony alert literal nazis misogynoir racism

Harriet Tubman $20 bill not going over well with Trump fans, other garbage humans

Get used to this face, Trump fans; you'll be seeing a lot of it
Get used to this face, Trump fans; you’ll be seeing a lot of it

It’s too bad the US Treasury threw a big wet blanket on Trump fans’ celebrations of the Great Orange Hope’s big New York Primary victory yesterday.

Did I say “too bad?” I meant “ah hahaha ha ha ha.”

#gamergate 4chan cuck entitled babies ironic nazis irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism twitter

You’ve heard of “Cuckservatives?” Make way for “Cucknadians”

Oh, Cucknada!
Oh, Cucknada!

Language is a living thing. New words are invented every day. Most never make it into the dictionary and fade out once their novelty wears off; a few are embraced by the public and become part of the language. Meanwhile, archaic words drop out of usage and are forgotten by everyone but those who read dictionaries for fun.

alt-right antifeminism antifeminist women FemRAs judgybitch literal nazis misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism trump women's suffrage

Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie: “Men in Sweden will have to hunt down every migrant”

Hey fellas, wait up!

It’s been a while since we last checked up on Andrea Hardie, a.k.a. Janet Bloomfield, a.k.a. JudgyBitch, the Men’s Rights Twitter Activist who’s still activisting it up on Twitter … despite being permabanned from Twitter.

So what’s this uncharacteristically impolite Canadian been up to?