alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism cerno cuck daily stormer entitled babies infighting irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever milo post contains sarcasm racism trump twitter

Deplora-LOL: Alt-Right Nazis turn on former ally Mike Cernovich, decent people rejoice

Mike Cernovich wants to PUMP you UP

Mike Cernovich is a Trump-loving, conspiracy-slinging alt-right fellow traveler with a nasty habit of smearing people he doesn’t like as pedophiles.

Now he’s become the target of a small army of trolls who have managed to pull off the difficult feat of being even more terrible than he is.

alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism creepy daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed white men racism sexy robot ladies

Will Jews destroy civilization with sexy sex robots? One Nazi idiot says yes

Sexbot technology: Not quite perfected yet

The allegedly impending arrival of sexbots has been hailed by more than a few internet misogynists, who not only want to have sex with sexy robot ladies but also fantasize that the existence of such quasi-ladies will make flesh-and-blood ladies somehow obsolete.

But not all internet reactionaries think sex-having robots will be a good thing for mankind.

alt-right Dunning–Kruger effect hillary clinton irony alert literal nazis scott adams trump

Scott Adams: Smearing your political opponents with baseless insinuations is “good persuasion”

You know who else was big on lies? This dude

Hold onto your hats, everyone, because Scott Adams has discovered something about politics that could be HUGE — if it weren’t something that literally every single person already knows.

alt-right empathy deficit have you no humanity Islamophobia literal nazis racism red pill terrorism

It could not have been better: Why one alt-rightist is celebrating the Berlin Christmas market massacre

Mourners gather at a makeshift shrine in Berlin

It’s hardly news that extremists feed off of one another. ISIS was thrilled by Trump’s victory, knowing that his bigotry will send countless new recruits their way. Alt-rightists, meanwhile, seize on each new act of ISIS-inspired terrorism with something close to glee.

#gamergate 4chan 8chan anime nazis anti-Semitism literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism

Vox interviewed me for a piece on misogyny as a gateway to the alt-right; check it out

M’lady …

The 4th quarter 2016 We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now WHTM pledge drive is coming to a close! If you like the blog, please donate what you can! THANKS! 

So Vox — not Vox Day, just Vox — has an interesting and very thorough piece looking at the ways in which misogyny has served as a gateway drug for the alt-right brand of white supremacy. The author, Aja Romano, sent me some questions and quoted me fairly extensively in the piece, mostly about the role Gamergate played in the rise of the alt-right.

Check it out here.

aggrieved entitlement alt-right irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism vox day

Racist alt-right fantasy author Vox Day is totally not a Nazi, according to Vox Day

Theodore “Vox Day” Beale: Says he is not a Nazi

The 4th quarter 2016 We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now WHTM pledge drive continues! If you appreciate the blog, please donate what you can! THANKS! 

Fantasy author Theodore “Vox Day” Beale has been called many terrible things. A “racist shithead.” A “racist dickhead.” A “human garbage pile.” A “sentient colostomy bag.” “A racist numpty poopgoblin.”

And those are just from me. He’s never complained.

"ethics" #gamergate alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies kitties literal nazis pledge drive richard dawkins sarkeesian! trump

Pledge Drive Update: A THANKS as big as the Ritz!

Seriously. thank you!

The Fourth Quarter 2016 “We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now” pledge drive is entering the home stretch, and I just wanted to update you all on the progress.

First of all, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who has donated! Some of you really came through in a big way; I’m humbled and deeply appreciative!

alt-right anti-Semitism cuck empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs ironic nazis irony alert literal nazis racism

Alt-Right blogger urges “edgecuck” Nazis to stop dressing like Nazis

Dude, you’re trying WAY too hard.

The 4th quarter 2016 We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now WHTM pledge drive continues! If you appreciate the blog, please donate what you can! THANKS! 

There’s long been a certain tension between “respectable” white supremacists — the ones who like to call themselves “race realists” and who make sure to hide their shrines to Hitler when there’s company — and the more flamboyantly Naziesque types, who swathe themselves in swastikas and black leather and other edgy accoutrements.

alt-right cerno irony alert literal nazis matt forney men who really shouldn't be making movies men who should not ever be with women ever oppressed white men

Matt Forney raves: Mike Cernovich’s documentary Silenced is a “mediocre … slog!”

Forney and Cernovich at the LA premiere of The Red Pill, partially bankrolled by Cernovich. Click on the pic to see an even scarier version.

The 4th quarter 2016 We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now WHTM pledge drive continues! If you appreciate the blog, please donate what you can! THANKS! 

Racist baby impersonator Matt Forney has said some ridiculously positive things about Mike Cernovich in the past, declaring the alt-right fellow traveler’s Gorilla Mindset book to be

alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism crackpottery cuck daily stormer drama kings entitled babies evil SJWs homophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men racism red pill reddit return of kings

Alt-Rightists are boycotting Star Wars Rogue One for its alleged “Anti-White Social Engineering”

Wait, they’re not all white guys!

The 4th quarter 2016 We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now WHTM pledge drive continues! If you like the blog, please donate what you can! THANKS! 

Apparently forgetting the humiliating failure of their cuck-centric boycott of Star Wars: The Force Awakens — the film ultimately made roughly six squadrillion dollars at the box office –some of the internet’s most excitable racists are calling on all white people to skip out on the upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story because something something Jew female white genocide.