cancel culture conspiracy theory lgtbq the wayward press woke

Right-wingers are losing it over a “demonic” gay-friendly cereal from Kellogg’s

Cereal giant Kellogg’s is teaming up with GLAAD to launch a new limited-edition LGBTQ-themed cereal called Together With Pride.

Really? Yes, really.

empathy deficit entitled babies gender policing homophobia irony alert lgtbq macho macho men masculinity misogyny

In the battle betwen John Wayne and Mr. Rogers it’s the gentler soul who’s winning

By David Futrelle

Mr. Rogers, who passed away in 2003, is having a strange but heartwarming posthumous comeback. A kindly father figure for generations of preschoolers, Rogers was recently the subject of a documentary that made grownups weep. Tom Hanks is playing him in a forthcoming feature film. He was even hailed as something of a bisexual icon after old comments of his acknowledging he was attracted to men as well as women resurfaced.

'bating alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism AntiFa butts empathy deficit entitled babies gender policing globohomo grandiosity homophobia lgtbq memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy roosh v soyboys transmisogyny transphobia twitter

What is “Globohomo?” A comprehensive guide to the alt-right’s new obsession, with tweets

Gay Atlas, deadlifting the earth

By David Futrelle

If you’ve spent any time arguing with right-wing trolls online, you’ve probably encountered the alt-right’s new favorite buzzword (that isn’t really a word): “globohomo.” And you may have found yourself wondering: What on earth is a globohomo, anyway, and why are right-wingers so mad about it?

dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about empathy deficit homophobia lgtbq men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

MGTOW Redditor: Lesbians can’t get men to provide for them directly, so they “compete in the victimhood Olympics for extra $$$$”

Lesbian enjoying her Victimhood Dollars

By David Futrelle

Men Going Their Own Way remain a bit confused about lesbians. In particular, MGTOWs have a hard time understanding how lesbians pay their bills. After all, according to MGTOW ideology, women don’t actually work, at least not at “real” jobs, and most of them make their real money by sponging off of men — their long-suffering husbands and/or boyfriends.

chad thundercock incels lgtbq memes stacies tumblr twitter

Chad and the Virgin are getting it on for #PrideMonth. And wait a minute, so are Stacy and Becky!

A happy ending for everyone!

By David Futrelle

By now you’ve all seen endless variations on the Chad vs. Virgin meme, and probably a few featuring Stacy and Becky as well. Most of them, like the originals, tend to be more depressing than funny, reflecting the spread of toxic incel ideology into the “normie” world.