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We interrupt our regular, er, depressing crap for some rare good news on the trans front. From The Independent:
The pledge drive is still coming up short. Please donate at the link below if you can!
We interrupt our regular, er, depressing crap for some rare good news on the trans front. From The Independent:
Aside from a handful of reviewers and perhaps Mindy Kaling herself, it seems like the only people truly happy about the new Scooby-Doo prequel Velma are the right-wingers who’ve found a new “woke” show to hate. Over on Rotten Tomatoes, a presumed review-bombing campaign by right-wingers has driven the just-debuted show’s audience rating down to 6%; over on IMDb, the show has garnered a mere 1.3 stars out of ten, a worse score than even Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2.
“Why are incels turning themselves into girls?” asks a headline on Unherd.com. A blog post on Pirate Wires posits a veritable “Incel-To-Transwoman Pipeline.” Finally, an article on Breitbart, illustrated with a stock photo of a mustachioed man wearing lipstick and nail polish, declares that “a look into a sizable online community reveals the shocking motive behind some men’s desire to identify as women: involuntary celibacy.”
It’s been a shit year for trans people and LGBTQ folks more generally, with a massive and violent backlash that has targeted everyone from drag queens to providers of trans healthcare; meanwhile, laws in numerous states have begun to chip away at fundamental trans rights.
Vladimir Putin has just signed a draconian bill into law prohibiting so-called LGBTQ “propaganda” in Russia. The bill, a bulked-up version of a less sweeping 2013 law, is so broad in its scope it will effectively ban any and all discussion of gay or trans identities in Russia, a ban enforceable by fines of up to 4 million rubles (or $64,000). The bill also bans the advocacy of pedophilia, as if that is even remotely in the same category.
Just before midnight, hours before a scheduled drag brunch to honor the Transgender Day of Remembrance, a gunman opened fire in Club Q, a Colorado Springs LGBTQ club, killing five and wounding two dozen others. The alleged shooter, armed with an AR-15-style gun and wearing body armor, was reportedly tackled and subdued by bar patrons before he could kill more.
The rhetoric of the anti-trans movement — and Republican politicians — is getting more apocalyptic and eliminationist by the day. And anti-trans violence is getting worse. Last week, a man in Tulsa, Oklahoma, firebombed a donut shop after it held a drag event.
Over on the “Gender Critical” forum on Reddit clone Ovarit, the regulars are discussing how much they hate the word “queer.”
Oddly, their main objection seems to be that it’s not the word “lesbian.”
Political discourse on the right today often seems like little more than a battle of the buzzwords, with the victory going to whoever can stuff the most buzzwords into their proclamations, never mind what they might possibly mean.
Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre recently announced that it will be putting on an original play in which Joan of Arc, world-famous crossdresser and military hero, will be portrayed as non-binary. Predictably, this has aroused right-wing culture warriors and transphobes more generally, who consider the very notion of a genderqueer Joan to be an abomination — and an insult to women.