a voice for men antifeminism attention seeking hypocrisy Islamophobia jack barnes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism terrorism threats

MRA Jack Barnes, posing with a gun, has a threatening message for American Muslims

Jack Barnes with gun
Jack Barnes with gun

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Earlier today, a Muslim man was reportedly shot and stabbed by three masked men outside a mosque in Houston, Texas. Yesterday, another Muslim man was beaten outside a mosque in Orlando, Florida by a man who reportedly told him that “you Muslims need to get back to your country.”

So I suppose that we should be grateful that Men’s Rights Activist Jack Barnes hasn’t, as far as I know, shot or otherwise physically harmed any Muslim Americans. So far, at least, he has confined himself to threatening them with murder on Twitter. 

"ethics" "proxy violence" a voice for men antifeminism empathy deficit harassment hypocrisy irony alert jack barnes misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability paul elam playing the victim red pill terrorism threats

Jack Barnes, MRA: Feminists “need to learn to fear retribution from us”

Jack Barnes:
Jack Barnes: “We have our hands on the throat of feminism. … This is the time to squeeze harder.”

Jack Barnes, a volatile American Men’s Rights activist known for his harassment of feminists on Twitter, is now threatening to unleash a new offensive designed “to strike fear in the hearts of feminists.” In a post on Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men bristling with violent language, Barnes declares that

we have our hands on the throat of feminism. This isn’t the time to ease up.  This is the time to squeeze harder.