So this Mother’s Day I got two very thoughtful gifts from a couple of my MGTOW readers, who evidently decided to take a few minutes off from their busy schedule of Going Their Own Way to write me a couple of epic comments about how Mother’s Day should be banned and “the women of society responsible for gynocentrism enslaving men” summarily executed. Also something about rectums.
Category: Islamophobia
One thing you can say for alt-right dudes: They’re not shy about exposing their sexual insecurities to the world.
The only thing is: They don’t actually realize that’s what they’re doing.
In the wake ofĀ Emmanuel Macron’s yuge victory over his Nazi-lite opponent Marine Le Pen, the mood on Alt-Right Twitter is rather delightfully (to me) grim.
Aging white supremacist David Duke — or, as he insists, Dr. David Duke — may spend most of his time railing against Jews and Muslims and pretty much everyone who isn’t white (or, rather, white enough for his tastes).
We get letters. And sometimes they’re too good — and I use a very broad definition of “good” — not to share. So here’s one I got the other day from a fellow who calls himself MGTOWabunga, offering a rather detailed, er, critique of We Hunted the Mammoth and its readers.
It’s not exactly a shock to discover that Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer, the internet Nazi tabloid, thinks it’s just swell thatĀ a fellow white supremacist sucker-punched a female antifascist activist in one of the many melees that broke out in and around an alt-right rally in Berkeley yesterday.
So there was a bit of a battle in Berkeley on SaturdayĀ between a motley crew of alt-rightists who wanted to give some speeches and a bunch of anti-fascist (antifas) who didn’t want them to.
Things got a bit, well, heated, with the alt-right anti-antifas going on a bit of a rampage.
Remember Milo Yiannopoulos, the At-Rightish Breitbart “journalist” who used to call Donald Trump “daddy?” He apparently wants the world to know that:
Pale Hominid is the very model of the modern Twitter Nazi.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a cat sittingĀ on a human face forever.
That, at least, is the nightmare vision of the future of these United StatesĀ that emerges from a recent post by pickup-artist-cum-Nazoid-philosopher James “Heartiste” Weidmann.