The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! If you haven’t already, please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!
Another weird scene inside the poop mine. By which I mean the Red Pill subreddit:
The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! If you haven’t already, please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!
Another weird scene inside the poop mine. By which I mean the Red Pill subreddit:
The bald blob of human garbage known as Matt Forney seems to be hungering for attention again.
Every Friday is Memeday here at We Hunted the Mammoth, and today we’ll be looking at some memes I found on a Facebook page called Feminist Hypocrisy.
At first glance, this page looks like any number of other Men’s Rightsy Facebook pages.
Almost three years ago, a feminist activist committed what many not-so-impartial observers apparently see as an unpardonable sin: she was less than polite to a small squad of Men’s Rights activists at a demonstration in Toronto. At least one of these gentlemen caught her outburst on video, and uploaded it to YouTube.
If you’re a woman who engages publicly in that whole feminism thing, it’s almost inevitable that you will find yourself followed around the internet by a small squadron of the Internet Lady Hate Army, baiting you with disingenuous questions and bad-faith “challenges” and general abuse. If you’re a famous woman, well, that just makes it worse.
Consider the case of Emma Watson, the Harry Potter actress turned UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, who’s been a favorite target for this seething mob ever since she publicly embraced the F-word in a nervous speech before the UN in September 2014.
Well, ok, it’s probably not literally the worst Twitter conversation ever — you’ve seen Twitter, right? — but you have to admit it’s pretty awful all around.
In one corner, we have @apurposefulwife, “alt right” racist and defender of “Traditional Family Life and White Culture.”
The Trump-loving, “cuck”-obsessed, alt-right racist wing of the manosphere hates immigrants and loves blaming things on women. So it’s not really a surprise that they’ve found a way to combine these two hobbies of theirs, blaming the Muslim “invasion” of Europe on evil slut women.
But I have to give them credit for how deftly they’ve managed to combine their bigotries into one big bigotry.
It’s fair to say that Roosh Valizadeh, the odious “pickup” artist perhaps best known for his call to end rape by legalizing it, is not really a big fan of Muslims.
In the past several months, his Return of Kings site has posted an assortment of alarmist, Jingoistic attacks on Muslims with titles such as
So I’m declaring Fridays — or at least this Friday — to be MEMEDAYS.
I found the lovely “infographic” below on the Twitter, in the #FeminismIsAwful hashtag. Apparently the suffragettes were working for the evil secret Muslim menace all along! Probably for ISIS, too. Who knew!