incels irony alert reddit

Incel: “I honestly enjoy knowing that many animals die virgins. It gives me a sense of inner peace”

Muh wombat feels

By David Futrelle

Today, someone posted a picture of the world’s oldest wombat to the Braincels subreddit under the headline “It’s over for wombatcels.” Because, you see, the world’s oldest wombat also happens to be a virgin, making him also the world’s oldest wombat incel.

alpha males beta males chad thundercock cock carousel entitled babies evil sex-having women evil sex-rejecting ladies incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape culture rhymes with roosh

Has-been “pickup artist” Roosh V sounds more like an incel every day

Sad fact: Women only want to date The Beatles

By David Futrelle

Pity poor Roosh! It seems like only yesterday the alleged pickup artist and semi-ironic rape legalization proponent was basking in a worldwide wave of adulation hatred as he trotted around a portion of the globe on his “Roosh World Tour,” bringing his message of “neomasculinity” to his small but fervent fanbase and generating headlines at every stop.

depression empathy deficit entitled babies incels irony alert mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit

Incel demands that depressed women “stop appropriating male culture” because women can’t really be depressed

Sylvia Plath: Definitely faking it

By David Futrelle

Incels insist that no one else can understand their particular brand of loneliness and misery — and that goes double for women. Indeed, they insist, women can’t be “involuntarily celibate” like them because, unlike true incels, women can always find themselves a Chad (or at least some beta cuck) to have sex with.

empathy deficit entitled babies incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture rape is good actually redistribution of sex

Incel: “Women should not be allowed out without a man”

Uh oh! This one’s escaping!

By David Futrelle

On, a hangout for some of the internet’s most hopeless involuntary celibates, one young fellow has come up with a simple yet ingenious answer to the Woman Question — that question being “why do these women keep having sex with guys other than the angry woman-hating weirdos who populate sites like”

anti-Semitism antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs incels irony alert looks theory mass killing mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Are we being too mean to incels who laugh at murdered ten-year-olds? One concerned ex-SJW says yes

A memorial for ten-year-old Julianna Kozis, who lost her life in Sunday’s mass shooting in Toronto

By David Futrelle

On Monday, I wrote about the gleeful reaction some commenters on the forum had to news that one of the victims in Sunday’s mass shooting in Toronto was a ten-year-old girl.

dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA warren farrell

Fact Checking Warren Farrell: No, Jodie Foster wasn’t “cashing in on her sex appeal” at age 4

Warren Farrell: A little confused sometimes

By David Futrelle

So I’ve been rereading Warren Farrell lately and, as always, it’s been a bit of a surreal experience. The man singlehandedly responsible for many if not most of the bad ideas held by Men’s Rights Activists today is not what you’d call an especially lucid writer. His organization is free-associational, his writing style evasive and cluttered with incoherent metaphors, and it seems like every time I go to check the source of one of his confidently asserted facts it turns out there’s nothing real supporting it.

entitled babies evil sex-having women incel ironic nazis irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit twitter

Incels lose it (even more so than usual) after woman jokes about the “aborted girlfriend” meme


By David Futrelle 

Incels aren’t really very good at the whole “humor” thing. Last week, I wrote about the “Imaginary Girlfriend” meme in which an earnest stick-figure woman declares that if she hadn’t been aborted she could have grown up to be every incel’s dream girl. “Sorry I couldn’t be there for you,” she says. “But my mom had other plans … would have liked to have a lot of kids with you.”

empathy deficit entitled babies has possibly never spoken to a woman hypergamy irony alert jordan "slappy" peterson men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit

Lobster math: Jordan Peterson fans calculate optimal age for men to marry to obtain highest quality females

I have completed my calculations. Let us commence the mating process

By David Futrelle

There comes a time in every Jordan Peterson fanboy’s life when he starts to think about settling down with a high quality female for mating purposes.

alt-right andrew anglin creepy daily stormer entitled babies irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism sex

Daily Stormer: Girlfriends are for sissies! Real Neo-Nazis only use women for sex and/or babies

Not quite sure it works like this in real life

By David Futrelle

Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer isn’t just some dude who spews out seemingly dozens of posts a day for his rancid neo-Nazi website; he also fancies himself a bit of a self-help guru, regularly offering his male readers (and they’re almost all male) advice on how to live their best lives.

chad thundercock entitled babies evil fat fatties evil SJWs irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy PUA rape rape culture return of kings reverse psychology rhymes with roosh roosh v self-own

Fading PUA skeezeball Roosh V stages publicity stunt, gets no publicity, is sad online

Why isn’t anyone mad at me?

By David Futrelle

What if you staged a publicity stunt and got no publicity? You might want to ask skeezeball “pickup artist” and rape legalization enthusiast Roosh V.