Wikipedia faces a deeply rooted man problem, the problem being that they have proportionately way too many of them writing and editing the site. Indeed, a 2018 survey found that 90 percent of Wikipedia editors are men; only 8.8 percent are women.
Wikipedia faces a deeply rooted man problem, the problem being that they have proportionately way too many of them writing and editing the site. Indeed, a 2018 survey found that 90 percent of Wikipedia editors are men; only 8.8 percent are women.
It’s International Women’s Day, which means it’s also, according to Men’s Rights Activist logic, International “Why doesn’t anyone give a shit about International Men’s Day” Day. In a thread on the Men’s Rights subreddit, an assortment of MRAs have been trying to hold someone responsible for the terrible misandry of no one caring about their day, which isn’t until November anyway, on the same day as the vastly more important World Toilet Day.
By David Futrelle
So the Daily Stormer, everyone’s favorite “funny” neo-Nazi shit site, has weighed in on International Women’s Day. In a post (archived here) ostensibly covering the massive Women’s Day strikes in Spain, but which is actually just an excuse to talk shit, DS contributor “Roy Batty” declares that “[w]omen have been really fucking up in the West.”
By David Futrelle
Today (March 8th) is International Women’s Day, also known as International “Men Being Dicks About International Women’s Day” Day — and few men are celebrating that second holiday more enthusiastically than Reddit’s contingent of Men Going Their Own Way.