Incels are so convinced that they suffer more than anyone else in history ever, that I guess I shouldn’t be shocked that some of them actually profess to being envious of rape survivors – because at least someone was sexually attracted to them.
Incels are so convinced that they suffer more than anyone else in history ever, that I guess I shouldn’t be shocked that some of them actually profess to being envious of rape survivors – because at least someone was sexually attracted to them.
Some people think the solution to the whole incel thing is to somehow “redistribute sex” and get these sad boys the girlfriends they pine for s desperately — whether by cajoling or perhaps even compelling women to give these guys a chance, or simply by paying sex workers to take care of their unwanted celibacy.
The incels.co domain is down, at least for now, but the regulars are still unhappily chatting away on the backup domain Incels.is. And they still have stories to tell one another about men, women, and Chad.
With a title like “The true reason why women HATE RAPE” you know it’s going to be just awful, but somehow the rest of the meme manages to be worse than my lowest expectations.
It’s Saturday night (where I live anyway) so let’s play a little drinking game. I’ll post a long rant about “ass culture” I found on the Incels.co forums. You drink every tune the author uses the word “ass.” Easy peasy. Let’s begin.
This afternoon, a 21-year-old white man named Robert Aaron Long allegedly went on a shooting rampage at three massage parlors in the Atlanta, Georgia area. He reportedly killed eight people, six of them Asian women. He was arrested after a car chase.
We live in an age unusually receptive to conspiracy theory — with a veritable army of QAnoners caught up in baroque, sadistic theories of retribution against political and cultural elites; with the vast majority of Republicans believing (or purporting to believe) that, actually, Donald Trump won the election; and with a cohort of Americans convinced that Bill Gates is planning to plant microchips in their bodies with a vaccine shot.
4Channers are so obsessed with calling people “cucks” that you can’t help but wonder if some of them are just projecting their own secret — or perhaps not-so-secret — fetishes on the world.
A UCLA student who sometimes called himself “Scuffed Elliot Rodger” online has been nabbed on assorted federal charges for his role in the January 6th attack on the Capitol, during which he was photographed sitting in Mike Pence’s seat in the Senate just moments after Pence was evacuated from the room.
There’s a guy on the incel-centric Black Pill Club forums who posts what he calls a “Daily Femoid Hate Thread.” They’re always bad, but on Monday he really outdid himself with a post on how women are “designed” to be raped.